Cliche - Officially Done

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Cliche | Chapter One                                             

~ "Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder" ~

Who wants that perfect love story anyway, anyway? Cliche, cliche, cliche, cliche. Who wants that hero love that saves the day, anyway? Cliche, cliche, cliche, cliche. What about the bad guy that goes good, yeah? And the missing love that's understood,yeah. Black hour glass, our glass. Toast to cliches in a dark past. Toast to cliches in a dark past.

Beyonce's voice sung into my ears as I played Part ll (On the run) on my new IPod Touch. My fork twiddled into the food that sat before me at lunch. I was not really in the mood to eat right now. When I looked up, my friends, Zenia, Zelia, and Nakeisha stared me down.

"What?" I asked looking from Zenia down to Nakeisha. They glanced at each other then turned back my way rolling their eyes and kissing their teeth.

"You still thinking about Jai?" Zelia asked popping a chip filled with cheese and meat into her mouth.

"Something like that." I shrugged.

"You need to get him out of your mind, but you can't be mad you are the one always falling for the boys that got all the girls on they tip. Now you knew from jump that every female wanted him and look what happened." Nakeisha eyed me shaking her head.

"That's not true. A nigga can settle down when he want to." I said catching an attitude.

"Well obviously he ain't want to settle for you." She sneered.

I kissed my teeth, so that she could know that I wasn't interested in this conversation. They always want to have a round table when a boy breaks up with me. Like I'm lonely or something. All I want is someone that I can ride with. In hopes that they'll ride with me until we know we can't ride no more.

Boys these days kill me. Like for real. They actually waste their time to get to know you. Yeah, they'll listen, but really the first thing that gets their attention is your face and your body. They will patiently wait for you to open up to them just so they can have sex with you. They're manipulators. And we fall for every word and every lie.

Then when we get our hearts broken here comes the clan of hope that we like to call our friends. Like now.

"Well, all I got to say is that the next relationship you get into make sure he's the one you want to be with for real." Zenia said.

"So you can know who you are spilling your heart out to." Zelia added on.

"Thank you for being good friends, but I ain't trying to hear all that. I'm done. I don't need no relationship right now."

"Yeah, okay." 

We all got up from our seats and made our way to eighth period. As we walked through the hall way all the boys stared us down like meat. Nakeisha, who wore her ripped up shorts, Toms, and her tight tank top stopped and flirted with all the fine boys. As for me and the twins we kept on moving.

"Damn !" I shouted as my back hit the floor. The bell rung notifying that the five minute passing period was over. I was late for my eighth period because this tall dude with a brownish-red juice was playing football in the hallway knocking me down to the ground.

"Man, calm down with all that." He scoffed.

"Nigga, what you mean calm down. Your lil' ugly ass just knocked me down on the ground."

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