Cliche - This Tension Between Us

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                                                           " Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder " 

" Ouch ! "  Mya flinched as I used the rat-tail comb to undo her braids.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, but this hair is nappy and it has to come out today." I said to her.

"Well, you're rough." she frowned up her face.

"It's not my fault I'm heavy handed. It's either you want your hair done, or you don't cause I'm sure Quamaine won't have a problem doing it."

"Uhn uhn, he not about to mess up my baddie status."

I giggled at her little side comment, "Baby, I need to talk to you for a minute." Quamaine stood in the door frame of his room, shirtless. I kept my eyes focused on Mya's hair as I took down the last two braids.

"I'm busy, and besides I don't think that's a good idea."

For the past two days there has been tension between the two of us. It may not seem serious to some people, but as for me this is getting out of control. We can't be in a room for two minutes without attacking each other with kisses, and taking off pieces of clothing that should stay on. Don't get me wrong, I haven't let him go all the way, but it's starting to take a toll on me. 

His kisses melts me like butter causing me to get weak in the knees. Every touch, no matter where, sends an undescribeable feeling throughout my body, leaving me wanting more than just the kissing and hugging. How often does a woman fiend for her man? He's so dominant when it comes to the sexually tension. That's why I can't let my guard down. I don't want him to think that he's got me, even though he does.

He stared at me in the door frame, watching me part Mya's hair, "So, that's what we on, for real?" he asked, smirking.

"Quamaine, what you want?"

"Let me talk to you, in private." he eyed Mya.

"I don't want to be in the conversation anyway." she huffed, jumping out of her seat, so that she could watch SpongeBob. That girl loves her some SpongeBob.

I slowly got up from his brown couch, brushing past him, so that I could enter his room. I flopped down in his bed looking at him as he sat down at his desk.

"After what happened with Maxine and Mya not too long ago, I was thinking."


"What's gone happen when you graduate?"

"I'm going to college to get me a degree in business/management."

"I know, but I don't want you to leave."

"Quamaine, baby, you really don't have a say so about my future. I planned this out before we even met."

"I know, but you ain't let me finish."

"I'm waiting."

"I think I'm gone apply for college. This lil 'thug' life that I'm in, it's not worth losing you and Mya."

I smiled at the mention of myself, "Your sure. I mean I'm not trying to doubt you, but is this what you really want?"

"Yeah. I'm sure, but I need to figure out what I'm gone do about Kojo and I need to get a couple of more bands and then we can leave."

"We? Leave? What you talking about?"

"Keep calm, baby. All I'm saying is that I want to be in college with you. The same college. What you think about that?"

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