Chapter Ten

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Gadreel and Anna exchanged another glance.  Then Anna cleared her throat self-consciously and began to speak.

"I'd been in Eden for quite some time when it all started," she began, pulling her eyes away from Dean's angel blade to look at each person in the room in turn.  "Things started to change.  Nothing in particular, but there was something weird going on.  Every angel could sense it.  Groups of angels began flocking together, gathering in groups.  Eden's energy became more unstable than usual.  It was as if the whole world were buzzing with anticipation."

The Doctor leaned forwards, plunking one elbow on the table and resting his chin in his hand.  "Go on," he prompted, interested.

"Crazy rumors started going around," Anna continued.  "There was a way to leave Eden without undergoing the transformation, already transformed weeping angels were returning to Eden, there was a way to communicate with the weeping angels on Earth... a bunch of weird stuff like that."

"The rumors started escalating very quickly," Gadreel added.  "Then, out of nowhere, every angel was freaking out.  'Castiel's been captured!'  'Castiel is in Eden!' 'We have found Castiel!'"

Anna seemed to gain confidence in herself while the other angel was speaking.  "Bartholomew came in out of nowhere and took control of a huge group of angels.  He said he had contacted weeping angels from the outside and they had managed to capture Castiel, using their abilities to transport him here.  Bartholomew said he held Castiel in chains and that he planned to make him pay for all of the sins he'd committed on Earth."

Sam's mouth flattened into a thin line, and the Doctor noticed Dean's whole body stiffen perceptibly.

"Many angels joined Bartholomew," Anna explained.  "Gabriel was one of them.  Once he felt that he had Bartholomew's trust, he rebelled, and tried to rescue Cas.  His attempt failed miserably, and he barely escaped with his life."

"Isn't he already dead?" John asked.  "I mean, technically, every angel in Eden is already dead, right?"

Gadreel nodded.  "Every angel except Castiel," he confirmed.  "If you die while you're in Eden, however, that's it.  End of the line."

John nodded, absorbing this information.

"Continue," Sherlock prompted the angels.

"After his failed rescue attempt, Gabriel went underground," Anna said.  She knotted and unknotted her fingers together in her lap.   "He searched out angels that he knew had helped Castiel on Earth.  Hannah was one of his first recruits.  Gadreel and I were too, as well as a handful of others that now work with him and share his same goal of rescuing Castiel."

Sam tapped his fingertips on the wooden tabletop.  "Where are all the other angels Gabriel recruited?"

"Most of them are out searching for Bartholomew's prison," Gadreel responded.  "He's created it in such a way that it constantly shifts its position, moving from place to place around Eden.  Others are trying to find more recruits for our cause."

"I have a question," Clara spoke up.  "Why are we here?  If you have so many angels working with you to rescue Cas, then why do you need our help?"

Gadreel spread his hands.  "It's not really 'so many' angels.  We only have a handful.  And an angel's aura can be tagged - essentially, any angel can put a tracking device, if you will, on another angel's existence.  They've already done this to Gabriel, and I assume Hannah as well, because she didn't come back with you.  Humans, on the other hand, they can't tag, and therefore they can't track.  With Sherlock, Gabriel felt he was becoming too involved in the affairs of angels and he needed to get him off of Earth before the weeping angels grew suspicious and killed him.  The rest of you, however, he brought here just because you cannot be tracked."

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