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My name is Lucy and I've been having this nightmare. Every single night I've been waking up early just because of some stupid dream; some stupid nightmare that's not even real. Since I turned 10 I've been having nightmares but this nightmare has only started this year.

I have good friends at school but my friend Maddison is my closest friend. We did everything together, and when I say everything, I mean everything. Cloe is also my friend but she's the quiet one. Jade and myself do some things together, but jade has a different personality which makes me not so close to her. But when I got to school today they wouldn't even talk to me, and when I went near them they either stepped away or whispered in front of me.

I didn't really know what to do but while I was walking to the school assembly, Cloe tapped me on the back and whispered for me to follow. I then followed her and she went into the toilets. I was kind of confused. When we opened the door there were about two or three people in there, staring at me. I turned to Cloe and said, "What's wrong?"

"That is what's wrong," she said.

I turned around to see my name written all over the wall. Well it obviously wasn't just my name, one of the names had blood dripping from the 'L' and a knife stabbing into the 'Y'. I looked at another and instead of the 'U' there was a skull. I felt a tear go down my face until Cloe said there is also something different.

I turned around, saying "What is it?"

"Look behind the toilet door," she told me.

So I did. There actually was something different. It said 'LUCY', but it was surrounded by pretty clouds, lollipops and happy things like that. I kind of giggled, looking over at Cloe. "Thanks."

"I didn't do that," she said. I looked at her really shocked.

"Who did?" I questioned.

"I don't know," she replied.

I walked out of the bathroom and went to the class room. The teacher—Mrs Potter—then called my name, asking me to go to her desk in a calm and soft tone. Everyone was staring at me while I was walking there, not a single person looking at their book.

"How are you going?" Mrs Potter asked me when I got there. 'Pretty crappy, but thanks for asking' was what I felt like saying, but I didn't say it. She called me closer and I leaned down to hear her properly. "I know you are suffering from a disease," she whispered in my ear. I looked up really surprised. "What?! I do not," I told her.

"It's ok Lucy. It's all over your school profile."

"My school profile? I haven't been on my school profile for ages," I told her.

Mrs Potter looked at me funny, then logged into my school profile. It was really bad. My profile picture was my school photo with an animated knife going through my head. My profile description was:

'Hello I'm Lucy and I only care about myself. I'm mean to everyone; so everyone hate me. Anyone that writes something mean about me in the girls toilets will be in the draw to win $100. The person with the best drawing will win $50 dollars and I will give $20 to anyone else who writes something, so good luck!'

At this moment I didn't know what to do. I looked around the classroom and saw this girl holding up a sign saying 'where's my $20?'. I looked away quickly and I hoped she didn't know that I saw her. I slammed the laptop shut and ran out the door.

While I was sprinting down the stairs I bumped into one of the nastiest girls in this school. She also had her so called friends with her. I call them the bitch squad. The leader of that group was named Kate and she only cared about herself.

"Did you see the lovely piece of art I drew on the wall? Well it was the best one there so I get the $50. I also won the draw, so that's $100 added to it. So where's my money?" She said to me.

"I don't have any money Kate. Just leave me alone," I told her.

"But what's the rush? We could just stay here and chat."

"I have to go to the toilet, so leave me alone," I said again.

"Fine, but I'll be waiting for you," she said.

I ran past her and into the toilet. When I was about to unlock the door to leave, I heard Kate giggling with the other girls. I stepped back and put the toilet seat down quietly so she didn't hear and stepped on it. I tried to climb over the door to the other side of the toilet, so I could maybe get out the back door. While I was climbing out Kate looked up and saw me.

"There she is," Kate said before she grabbed my leg and pulled me down to the floor. I crashed on the floor really hard. My head was spinning and I couldn't see clear. Kate told the girls to bash me while she was recorded the whole thing. So of course they did. They where hitting, kicking and pushing me around for a good 20 minutes until Cloe and Maddie walked in. They looked shocked, then yelled at the girls to get off me and started pushing them away.

They all let go and ran away. They where scared, you could tell. Maddie and Cloe helped me up. My nose was bleeding and so was my forehead. They had to lift me up because I couldn't really move that much. Maddie suggested that we go straight to the principle, so we did. We got to the office and the principle told me to sit.

"Why did you put all of that stuff up on your profile Lucy?" The principle asked me.

"I didn't," I said.

"Yes you did, Lucy. I know you did. You even recorded it and posted it all on social media."

I looked up at her and remembered eating a lollipop that Kate gave me. And then I thought to myself, 'the lollipop did have this white stuff on it'. But I didn't think much of it. And then I realised Kate and her friends had drugged me, and I have done something bad and terrible. Something that can never be fixed.

I might have just ruined my entire school life.

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