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'I might have just ruined my entire school life'

As I walked out of the principles office I didn't know what to think. I thought if I just leave, everything would be alright—but I knew I could never do that. I walked into the toilets and saw that everything was rubbed off; completely gone. That was definitely a relief for me.

When I walked back in the classroom Mrs Potter told me that a new girl is coming in our class and she wants me to show her around the school. I was waiting all day for the girl to show up until Mrs Potter said that she was coming tomorrow. 'Well that sucks,' I thought.

The bell finally rang for the end of the day and I was so relieved that the day was finally over. When I was walking home I was trying to imagine whet the new girl might look like. Maybe she has blond hair and green eyes; she might even have purple hair and orange eyes for crying out loud. I had no idea. When I got home it was pretty late so I just ate my dinner and went straight to bed.

As I went to sleep I started having that same nightmare again. It was always the one with a girl taking my soul; the girl always trying to take my life away from me, destroying it. The nightmare always woke me up at the exact same part—the part where I'm left with nothing. So when I was woken up at that part I climbed out of bed and took some pain killers. I felt absolutely sick and had a huge headache after that. Usually after I take the medicine I get to sleep easily and peacefully.

When I woke up I was strangely kind of happy. I was happy to finally meet the new girl that Mrs Potter was talking about. I got changed quickly so I could catch the bus to school. It was faster then mum driving me and the faster I got there the faster I get to see the new girl.

So when I went to class the principal knocked on the door, bringing down the girl with her. She had blue eyes and brown hair that was cut pretty short.
"Hello, I'm Lucy," I walk up to the door, introducing myself and shaking her hand.

"Hi, I'm Bailee," she says back to me. It was up until that time that I knew she was the girl from my nightmare. She looked just like her, like the one to wreck my dreams and to hurt me; to take my good life away. 'Idiot, how did I not recognise it earlier?' I thought to myself.

"How about you show Bailee around, Lucy? I'm sure Mrs Potter won't mind," the principle says.

"No, not at all. Go along girls," Mrs Potter tells us. Mrs Potter goes back into her classroom as the principle walks away. I slowly start walking, showing Bailee around the school. "So where are you from?" I ask her.

"You already know the answer to that," was all she said. I kept on walking along, just showing her where all the different buildings around the school are. "I already know where everything is so you don't have to be telling me this. We can go back," she says after a while.

"You can go back. I've got a job that I have to do anyway," I tell her. Though it's not entirely true. When she started walking back to the classroom I instantly thought of Sam. 'I need to find him. He'll help me,' I thought. Sam was kind of a weird boy, always had an odd thing about him. He didn't have heaps of friends, but he didn't seem to care. And he could always do things no one else could, complete things that no one would ever even imagine attempting. So of course I thought of him first. And I even managed to find him after ten minutes of looking.

I walk up to him, relieved I found his hiding spot. "Could you help me with something Sam?" I ask him straight away.

"If you want my help with something you have to tell me everything," he says simply. I nodded before I told him everything that had happened. The whole lot of it. About twenty minutes later I finished explaining the whole story to him.

"Hmm, nightmares," he mumbled under his breath. "That's it! I could make the exact perfect thing for you. I'll make you a dream catcher. " he said excitedly.

I gave him a confused look. 'What?' I thought. "I can just go buy one. They aren't that expensive you know," I say to him.

"No no no," he waved me off. "The dream catcher I'll be making will have powers in it. So when you're going to bed, all you'll have to do is kiss it so it activates and any bad nightmares you have will be stolen by the dream catcher. The dream will get turned into a glass ball and all you'll have to do is make sure you smash it in the morning. Unless you try transferring the ball—then you'd have to leave it under someone else's pillow while they sleep," he says like its the most obvious thing in the world.

I smiled, giving Sam a quick hug before heading back to class. 'I knew Sam would be able to help me,' I say to myself. I walked back into the classroom and saw that the new girl—Bailee—already had some special bond with my friends. "Friends already?" I ask.

They all turn to look at me. "Yes! These are my new bffs—best friends forever!" Bailee says while smiling at me. It really annoyed me when she said that. She only just met them! I knew she was only doing it to annoy me and to hurt me. I was going to say something about it but I didn't. I just did my best to ignore her for the rest of the day.

When I got home I went on snapchat and started texting Cloe. She always made me feel better. Cloe sent me a snap and guess what it was? A photo of her...and Bailee. I couldn't help but feel mad. Bailee wasn't even nice and she didn't care about anyone else; she was only pretending to be friends with my friends. She's just mean.

But then I thought to myself, 'If Bailee is at Cloe's house does that mean she can't make me have nightmares? Or maybe it just happens anyway...' I sent Cloe another text asking if Bailee was sleeping over and she said that she was. Apparently Bailee's parents were already friends with Cloe's parents.

I went to bed without any nightmares, but I had a weird dream instead. It was about Sam, surprisingly, and he'd gotten rid of Bailee. 'What does that mean,' I thought. I woke up feeling really sick, and I couldn't even speak properly because of all of the shuddering I was doing. Mum and dad burst into my room, asking what was going on.

"I-I-I c-can-can't m-m-moo-move," I say. Mum was rubbing my head, telling me to lay back down and not worry about going to school tomorrow. As crazy as it sounds, I'd really wanted to go to school. I really needed that dream catcher off Sam. Maybe he could bring it?

My fingers finally stop shaking and I go on my phone to text Sam, asking him if he could drop off the dream catcher at my house without my parents seeing him. He texted me back straight away saying that he's on his way over now.

I sat there waiting and waiting, but it was taking so long that after a while I dozed off back to sleep. I was woken up by a tapping sound and I sat up and saw that it was only Sam, tapping on my window.

I walked over to my window and opened it for him. "So you brought it?" I ask him.

"Of course," he replies, holding it up for me.

"Thanks Sam," I say, taking it off him. "How did you know this was my window?" I ask him. I was confused that he knew where to go.

"Not a problem. And I didn't, I was kinda hoping that this was yours," he says, laughing a little. "Remember how to activate it?" He asks me.

"Yeah I do. I won't ever forget it," I tell him. I go back over to my bed to put the dream catcher down but when I turn around again Sam is no longer at my window; he's gone.

I can't wait to try this dream catcher out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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