Roc: ( walks over to where y'all at)
Prod: So you still doing "nothing" to Cece ?!
Roc: Maybe!
Prod: (balls up his fists)
Prince: (hops up)
Roc: I'm always doing "nothing" to Cece!
Prod: (charges for Roc)
Prince: (grabs Prod and holds him back)
Roc: (charges for Prod)
Cece: (holds Roc back)
Prod: You gonna learn how to treat my sistel when I'm done with yo azz!
Roc: Come on nigga you ain't nobody!!!
Prod: Ohh I'll be somebody in a mintue!!!
Roc: Cece is a grown azz woman now!!
Prod: Yea and still my baby sister!!!
Cece: (stops holding Roc back, turned him around and back hand slaps him)
Roc: (holds his face) Cece!
Cece: Look nigga don't ever disrespect my family, I'm tired of you abusing me and shit!
Roc: WTF is wrong with you? Don't you ever hit me again!
Cece: Oh really! (charges for Roc) (slaps him, punch and kicks him)
Prince: Woah Woah (grabs Cece) that's enough!
Prod: Well its about fucking time!!!
Roc: (in pain) Ohhh Cece why?
Cece: You're a bitch Roc ! I fucking hate you !! We are don! (throws him his ring) Now get the fuck out of my house!!!!!
Roc: (packs and leaves)
Abusive Affair
Romance* Prince and Roc always had a crush on Cece but she didnt like Roc, she liked Prince back! Roc end up asking Cece out in high school! She and Roc end getting married and had a little girl named Jazzy! But after she and Roc got married, he got very a...