Part 24

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Prince: Okay see ya later!

Prod: Alright!

-End of Phone Convo-

Cece: Prod?

Prince: Yea he coming in a few!

Cece: Okay!

-few mintues later-

Cece: (comes downstairs)

Prince: (sitting on the couch)

Prod: (siting on the couch) Heyy Cece

Cece: Heyy!! (sits down)

Prod: Why did you lie?

Cece: I'm sorry Prod! I didn't want you overreact but you did!

Prod: Well I'm sorry for trying to protect my sister!

Cece: Its not like that!

Roc: (walk in)

Prod: (stands up and looks at Roc)

Cece: (looks at Prod) Prod sit down !

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