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(I'm not sorry)

Your phone buzzed beside you on the table, your hand teaching out from under the mounds of covers to quickly grab and retreat it back under.

You flipped down our notifications, looking to see a text from your dad.

One new message from: Snooji

-There is lightly fried fish fillets for dinner.

Dad, its 1:15 am wtf-

-do you want the lightly fried fish fillets or not?

You though for a second, popping your head out from underneath of the covers to sit up.

Well I mean yeah..-

-Mhm, thought so, come downstairs they're still hot.

You blinked, slipping off the side of the bed and slowly opening your bedroom door. The smell of fish wafting through the air.

Wait what did you just make them?-

-Yes, I wasn't tired so I decided to make some lightly fried fish fillets.

You made your way to the stairs, slowly walking down each one before reaching the bottom.

You looked into the kitchen and low and behold, your dad was standing in his pajamas with his apron on eating some lightly fried fish fillets.

"See, I told you. Now come and eat some of these lightly fried fish fillets."

"Say lightly fried fish fillets one more time dad.."

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