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You might be wondering what US:CC is. Well, I believe I've briefly talked about it on here before. Of course, this is just the abbreviated form of said title.

Regardless I need some motivation so I've been writing little shorts of the characters that feature in it in order to get my brain in the mode of "HEY YOU GOTTA GET BACK TO YOUR GOOD WRITING MOJO SO YOU CAN FINISH THOSE BOOKS YOU HAVEN'T UPDATED IN YEARS."

So, if you don't mind.. I'd like your input. I'm gonna write a list below and I'd like you just to put a letter or anything next to it. I won't describe the characters, but those who actually know who said characters are/how they act. NO SPOILERS MAN, I TRUSTED YOU FOR A REASON. I'll eventually write a short individual scenes for characters that were talked about/commented on. If I publish will be how I feel about it, I guess. Unless you REEEAAAALLLLYYYY want it.

  - Side note for Wren, if she's/your're reading this. Yes you've heard some of these names before but I assure you these guys came first. sorry.

Right so on the chopping block we have: 




Madeleine   (Guess you could say she solo-way my heart.)

Seth (Oh, it's the second sas master. Sorry peg-leg.)

Ayden (Oh Ayden. Oh Ayden. *SiGhS*)

Sherry (SHEEEZZZAAAAA-Wait, I've been advised not to call her that. )

Grey (Despite his name, I see him as a very black and white person.)

Gerald (If only you were a teacher. Then I could make a joke about you and a certain man named Vincent)

 Aish (Cannot believe how much I flipped your persona it's funny.)

Carl ( Honestlyeveryoneneedsawesomeselfpromobecausehahaha)

AND YOU KNOW WHAT. I FEEL LIKE ANNOYING A CERTAIN SOMEONE SO(Even though, they'll never see it oh well):

-Mark Swift  (The beauty of a machine knows no bounds.)


Actually, these aren't all the characters... Just ones I'm willing to list xD

Thanks guys. You can choose more than one, or none at all if you feel like it. Besides.. Nobody besides me really understands the joke. Well, Maybe blaze but he never reads these. Oh well.

Peace from the mentally challenged.


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