STORY IDEA TIME! (Part 1..Ish)

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Filled with grey clouds, I laughed as I looked towards the sky.

How did it know what I was feeling?

Walking along the cracked concrete path, I started to reflect about today.

Does he even like me? Why does he never talk to me... Why do I suddenly feel this way?

Cupid is laughing at me right now. Thinks its funny that he shot me. I looked at my pacing feet and sighed. Did life really have to be a never-ending reality T.V show.

Just when I thought life had thrown me off the edge of my mental heath, without giving me a single rope of hope. 

I found a very familiar crack in the pavement. 

Looking up I froze at what I saw.

His house.

That stupid green roofed house.

Surprisingly it wasn't the house that made me tense, It was the fact I saw someone there. Looking through the window towards me.

Please don't let it be him.


I watched the figure race towards the door. I begin walking. I heard the thud of the door hitting the outside wall. I started sprinting.

"Alex! WAIT!" yelled that familiar voice.

That's it. I just couldn't take it anymore.

I ran, Faster than I thought I could. Not giving myself a chance to look behind me.

The pain I felt was unbearable. I felt my eyes watering.

Tears fell silently off my face as the harsh wind pounded against my moving figure.

I had to get away from him.

"ALEX! Come back! I need to talk to you"

I opened my eyes to make sure I was going the right way. It was so blurry. Everything was.

I continued to run, I couldn't see my hands in front of my face.

I could hear the loud sounds of traffic, But they felt so far away.

I placed my foot down on the hard pavement, I was going to continue my journey.

Until I felt my arm being yanked backwards, I landed on the grass with a heavy thud. My satchel bag sprawled on the path.

"Alex! Are you ok? Are you hurt"

I looked towards where I was going to go.. My eyes began to clear up.

 Watching Traffic busily sped past.  Realizing I was about to run onto the busy road.

Looking up, I didn't expect it to be who I thought it was.

It was James. The boy that stole my heart.

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