Prologue (PLZ READ)

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Story introduction. Read further down for full prologue.

"Your incredibly fast and strong."....Bella
"So are you."....Edward
"You say your the bad guy. Is it okay for the hero to fall for the Villain?"....Bella

Years ago there was a planet. That planet was called Krypton. Years ago Krypton was destroyed and all of its race along with it apart from two. Kal-El was only a few months old when he was sent away in an escape pod, he landed successfully on Earth. Kara Zor-El was thirteen when she was sent to earth but her pod was knocked off course.

When Kara did land, Kal-El, now known as Clark Kent, found her but he had already grown into Superman. Kara lived in the same town as Clark did for a while until she had to reveal her powers. Kara, no longer safe in Metropolis, was sent to live with Clarks good friend Charlie Swan. In order to keep Kara's identity secret her name was changed to Isabella Marie Swan.

Bella joins Forks high and meets the mysterious Cullens. Can she balance love with her job? Can Bella find out what the Cullens are? Can Edward find out what Bella is?

No ones POV
"Hurry!"  Zor-El and Alura In-Ze were running through the burning streets of Krypton with little Kara Zor-El huddled in between them both cowering in fear and confusion. Trailing not far behind them was Kara's aunt Lara and uncle Jor-El with their baby Kal-El in there arms.

Screams of terror rang through Kara's ears making her drop a single tear form her eye that she had been so desperate to hold back.
I need to be strong, she thought, whatever's going on, I need to be strong for Kal-El.
The running they were constantly doing made Kara's feet ache but she ignored the pain. When her parents came to a stop, Zor-El and Alura sat Kara in an escape electronic pod. She looked over and saw Aunt Lara and Uncle Jor-El were doing he same for Kal-El.

"Mummy?" She spoke. The child's voice could have shattered the evilest of evil hearts to pieces. Kara wanted to speak again. She had a million questions running through her head and was desperate for answers. What's happening? Where are they sending her? Are they coming too? Before Kara could speak Alura sent her a warm reassuring smile but it didn't reach her eyes.

"Kara dear. When you wake up, you need to look after Kal-El. Remember we love you sweetheart with every ounce of our hearts, we love you." Alura allowed the tears that flooded her eyes to fall as Zor-El closed the pod. Kara watched with sadness as the light from the pod and the surrounding flames reflected off the tears her mother was allowing to fall.

Kara couldn't wonder and stare for long as involuntarily closed her eyes feeling drowsy. Just before they shut completely Kara took a mental picture of the planet she was looking at now and the planet she knew as home. She compared them and knew instantly the planet she was being sent away from now was not home.

Krypton was vibrant, happy, welcoming. A dream place to live.
The war zone she was being launched from was a wasteland warning any visitors they weren't welcomed there. That was not the Krypton she knew.

That was not home.

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