Chapter 1: Moving

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Kara's POV
"What?!" I yell at Clark. I couldn't help it! He doesn't make my choices for me! I'm not moving to Forks! I'm 17! 50 if you count the years I spent in the Phantom Zone asleep!Just because he's older then me in human years, doesn't mean he has to act all fatherly!

"Kara, Forks is the safest place for you right now." He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose while leaning on his black marble counter top. Damn, how much I love his kitchen. It's amazing and it's never empty of food! I am jot moving away from this kitchen. I live in this very kitchen if I have to!

"Look, just because I exposed my powers doesn't mean I have to move away and stop helping people! You weren't there when that plane nearly crushed God knows how many people! I was! What was I supposed to do?! Let it destroy half of Metropolis?!" He sighed again in frustration. Apparently it seems there something obvious I'm not getting. "Really? I'm missing something?! Well please enlighten me!"

"I said you have to move to Forks-" he held his hand up to me as I was about to protest "I never said anything about stopping saving people. Save as many people as you like but I'm only looking out for your safety. As soon as I found you and I found out you were my cousin, I made a promise to myself that I would keep you safe. Please let me do that." I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths taking this in and re thinking. As much as I hate to admit it. Super Doofus had a point. I walked around the counter and locked my arms around him as much as I could. He hugged me back.

"You know it's kind of Ironic. Your keeping me safe but back on Krypton. I was told it was the other way around." He tightened his grip on me and laughed with me. I thought over about Krypton and how much we've been through. I couldn't help it, my laughter turned into tears. After a long time of tears, laughter and a hell of a lot of hot chocolate I was ready to go home and pack.

~~~~~~~~~~~After Packing~~~~~~~~~~
I sighed in exhaustion looking at all the things I've packed. My apartment was so silent and quiet it could have crickets going off in it. I grabbed my phone and texted Alex my adoptive sister who I moved away from when I was told Superman was not just another Kryptonian but my cousin.

To: Alex
From: Kara
Hey Alex.
I need you to tell J'onn, I'm moving away from Metropolis *cough* not my choice *cough*.
I'm moving to Forks, Washington. Clark says it's not safe in Illinois for me anymore so I'm moving in with one of his trusted friends Chief Charlie Swan. Don't ask, I don't know.
Text you when I get there. I'm being told about my cover story on the way there. OMG, cover story. God I feel like a lady spyyyyy! XD
See ya'!

Cover story...hehehehehehehe

I slip my phone in my pocket of my jacket and tie my hair in a pony tale that reaches half way down my back when a car horn goes off. I glance out of the window and a mini limo is waiting for me. Of course. Never expect anything less from millionaire Clark Kent. I lock the door and hand the keys to the waiting estate agent.

I dragged my suitcases out of he apartment complex and into he street where our driver out my bags in the boot. I slipped in the back and waiting inside was my cousin.

"Okay Kara, your cover story. Chief Charlie Swan is your father. Renée Dwyer is your mother. When you were young, your mother left your to father and you went with her. You stopped visiting your father when you were two. The man Renée remarried to is an amateur baseball player and plays in a minor league meaning he has to move around a lot. You didn't want to travel so you came to live with your father in Forks to make Renée happy. Both Charlie and Renée don't mind if you call them by their real names in front of people okay? You don't have to call them mum and dad. Your name is Isabella Marie Swan." I nodded but grimaced at the thought of being called Isabella.

"Can I just introduce myself as Bella? I don't like too much of a seven letter formal mouthful pain in the back if I say so myself." The car almost shook with Kal-El's laughter. I love my cousin sometimes. Anyways, back to business. Mind over matter.

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