0: Prologue (Somewhat. :3 )

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~A lone wolf, An outcast of the group, A liar, A mastermind, A broken person.... They all called him and his brother these... Back then he never knew when they'd stop.. But then. He killed his first person. That feeling of not being where he belonged in this cold, hard world he lived in vanished into thin air like the upcoming dust in the playful wind... His mind acted like he had found his own calling, So to this day, Even regretting somethings, he made the person who he is today.....Waking with his blood crimson eyes, he had stared at the ceiling as his long silver hair fell everywhere along the silk covers in strands of silver-white, Standing out like glitter.... Groggy, he slowly propped himself up with his right elbow, That gave out on him the second he put weight on it....Realizing he slept on it overnight, Switching to the other elbow he got up, his posture correct. Looking to his right, Stepping off the bed he grabbed the knife on the endtable slashing the fifth tally of the 10th year. Hiroki had been moving from hotel to hotel, Leaving a slash on the wall for each day he was there... Searching for his only brother that was dear to him... ' Still haven't found him either. ' Turning his head at the closet, he contently walked over  to put on some clothes. Knowing he was wearing nothing but boxers on and he was about to freeze from sudden hypothermia as soon as he came out of the warm bed. With his cold pale-white fingers he manuevered them around, rummaging through the closet. Selecting almost every article clothing in the closet that was dark-colored. he had found a grey shirt, some black and hardy looking jeans, a grey chainlinked kevlar vest , some nicely made sleek leather shoes, and a pair of slim black shades. Putting on his pants on one leg at a time like everyone else, he stopped half way through his regular routine.. Hearing something... Doing a quick barrel roll over to his 50. caliber sniper rifle under the bed. Swinging his arm under he grabbed the bolt, jerking it to load. while aiming at the noise silently.....1, 2, 3... -"BANG~" Shooting the wall it practically imploded on it self due to the velocity of the rifles bullet caused by Quad-Coil support in the rifle. Seeing a rat fall onto the ground, He shrugged quaintly and moved on with life. Slinging the sniper over his back, Hiroki continued to get dressed. A few minutes later his index and middle fingers pushed his sunglasses towards him over the bridge of his nose, strolling out of the room in the hotel. Walking down the stairs, his cold and pale hand gliding right over the railing, grabbing out his wallet taking out the amount that should be about right for the damages in the room and for the stay included. Hitting the bottom step he hears the livid bartender yelling at him, Keeping his head down he pushed the money to his chest, saying in a calm tone.-" Don't waste it in one spot."- By the time he looked at him the door was wide open with Hiroki out of his sight.  Red eyes hidden by the tint of black on his shades, Concealing his identity to all who he didn't trust. Which of course. Was Everyone... (Conclusion of the prologue)

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