3: New company?

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Still running from Azaria, Hiroki noticed that she didn't follow him at all... ' I worked my ass off at running away damnit...' In a exhausted tone he whispered you himself. " Well that was unexpected, and further more... Wasted effort. I hate wasted effort." Observing the area, Mapping it into his head so he didn't get lost, Hiroki carefully searched for a town or someplace to rest for a few days. Grabbing his shades that were dangling over in his coats pocket, flipping them out Hiroki slid them on having the cold metal touch the bridge of his nose. Seeing a person mess around in the dirt like a kid,Hiroki flipped his shades up and onto his beautiful hair to get a better, More detailed look at the person. Hiroki saw his attire was like any tinkerer he's every met, oil splotches all over a white shirt, holed up pair of dark blue work pants, hand-slicked hair, and a five a.m. shadow. But there was something different about him somehow... Oh that's why. He has goggles that rest on top of his hair, That and he looked a lot tougher than the ones Hiroki met before.... ' Oh crap he looking at me... Just don't make eye contact with him. ' Walking the other way, he spoke up to Hiroki in a rather nice tone. " Hey, mister. I could use some help with this ." He spit out his toothpick. " So how 'bout it? " Hiroki gave the man a slightly busy look.. He even hesitated for a moments notice." Sure, Why not. So what are you planning to do? " He smiled and Jumped with excitement. " We're gonna blow stuff up! " He looked at Hiroki with the expression of a complete pyromaniac. " So are you gonna help? " Deciding to have a little fun for once Hiroki gave a dead serious look to throw him off, then he put his shades back on and slowly raised his voice to a yell. " Hell yeah I am!! " He just flat out smiled at him. " Good to see life is still in some people these days. Here look at this." rummaging through his bag, he took out a homemade rocket. " This here is one of the best rockets you'll ever see in your life." Closely examining the rocket.. Hiroki noticed two things... One, It had a peculiar style or colors on it.. But maybe they were in layers? Two, he didn't know much about explosives... But he has a feeling this ones gonna pack some potential.. " So what does it do?" He gave Hiroki a concerned look. " Haven't you seen a rocket?" Hiroki stood quiet hesitating to say that he didn't know anything about rockets or explosives in general.  " To tell you the truth.. I haven't actually. " He smiled and waved it in the air. " Well today you find out. " - Grabbing a match from his back pocket he ran the match down his pants to spark it. Having it sizzle lightly after I put some effort into it, he then grabbed the rockets fuse, Lit it, grabbed the stick from the end of  it and chucked it as far away as humanly possible. He  set his hand on the Hiroki's head and forced him to lay down, he joined him after. " Ok, now what your gonna see i- " It already blew up into the air and blocked his voice so Hiroki couldn't hear him... All Hiroki could do is watch in awe as all the different colors made a series of lines, spirals, Inwards and out... ' Is this what art is? ' As soon as it was over Hiroki was already melancholic because when he thinks of something beautiful, he thinks perfect... And that's how good his life was in the beginning... " Hey... Stranger, are you feeling alright you look like someone took something precious from you." Hiroki only looked at him til he felt like talking. " To tell the truth.. Thats what happened a long time ago." Hiroki stood up dusting off all the grass and weeds that went onto his jacket. " I'll spare you the long story. I need to get going I'm late for something. " Leaving him to do his stuff Hiroki was stopped by a hand on his shoulder and a stern straight forward face from the man. " Yes? " He waited for a reply. " When I meet someone I expect to know their name by the end of my time with them. So mister whats your name? " I stopped and looked at him. ' I haven't given out my name many times before... But what made him think I was so important? ' Turning around Hiroki met eye to eye with him, he sighed. " My names Hiroki Hayashi , I'm a foreigner here. " He smiled at Hiroki, And gladly opened his mouth. " Nice to meet you Hiroki, my name is Tyler Watkins. I'm the main person in the town not too far from here to go to when someones machine or object isn't working. " Hearing those words Hiroki immediately took off his rifle to show Tyler. " Do you think you could fix the bolt here on the left side, It's starting to jam up. I keep it oiled and clean so I'm wondering if something is wrong with it. " He gladly took it with his eyes drooling over the model and brand along with its custom bolts and figure. " Man, You got a real piece of work here... Well, follow me we're going to my shop to get a better look at it. " Hiroki just kinda hunched over hearing that.. ' Great, another trip... ' He got himself back up knowing it shouldn't take long.. " Alright I'll follow. " ~After an hour of walking Hiroki finally stops in town.~ The town was gorgeous, Preserved in a classic 90's look in some of the places, the people looked nice, and the restraunts nicer. " So wheres the workshop of yours at? " Tyler glanced at me and pointed his finger to his left and a little ways up the street. " Just right over there. " While we ran over across the street we stopped inside the building, It was in pristine condition and for a grease monkeys workshop. It was pretty organized... Sitting down in a chair Hiroki looked at him already fiddling with his gun. " So what's the problem? " He looked a bit worried... " Well.. Its pretty bad the internal springs are all messed up on the left side, and on the right side.. They aren't being oiled enough. That and the reason your rifle got its springs everywhere is because it needs better stoppers to abosorb more recoil instead of letting it lose in the gun to ruin it. So that'll take a little while to implement as well. " ' Crap. ' Hiroki focused his eyes at Tyler. " Wheres the nearest hotel? " He stopped and held his hand on the desk and threw the office chair into a twirl with him in it. " Umm the closest one is up the street, It's about a 4 or 5 minute walk. Plus its a nice hotel I've been in there a couple times. They have soap that looks like candy, so any candy you find in the rooms is soap and out a prank in the lobby. " Hiroki just kinda fell apart from that statement... ' More confusion...' Trying to pull himself together he started heading out the door. " Thanks for the directions. " Tyler smiled happily. " No problem. " Already out and into the street Hiroki saw the hotel Tyler talked about... It looked as if someone slapped the spitting image of a fancy five star hotel there... Walking in he noticed it smelled pretty nice in here too. Going up to the front desk Hiroki rang the bell so he could have some service. Seeing a lady come up he started to talk. " I'd like to order a room, and I don't need anything overly huge please. " She nodded and checked the rooms that were availaible. " Alright. Sir, your room is 156 on the second floor on the right side of the building, and here are your keys. Have a nice stay here. " Grabbing his keys from her Hiroki respectfully nodded and went to his room. After about 10 minutes worth of trying to find it, he eventually found it. ' It took this long... ' Walking in he took off his jacket to show his tight black undershirt. Setting his bag down by the bed Hiroki jumped on the bed to get some rest. Almost forgetting, he put a dagger and his shades on the end table near some candy looking thing.

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