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"No, absolutely not!" Robb exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes, letting out a loud sigh to show my disapproval.

He, Catelyn, Lord Tully, Lord Karstark, Lord Bolton, and a few others were gathered to discuss Arya.

We'd been here for at least an hour, going back and fourth over plans. I finally brought up one that may work.

I could pass as a trader from Essos, and get inside. Get Arya, and leave before anyone notices she was gone.

Robb didn't want to risk me. But I didn't care.

"It is a good thing that it is not your choice," I said, "It is my life, I can choose if I'd like to risk it."

"No, you can't! It's not-" He stopped himself, and I raised my eyebrows.

"It's not worth it? Yes it is, Robb. I would die for your sister because she is mine as well, by law. Let me do this," I didn't beg, I simply asked him again.

Robb was getting upset with me again, and I stood up from my position next to him, my shoulders set back. He stood up as well, and stood a few inches taller than me.

We stared at each other and the air felt thick. Whether it was from frustration or sexual tension, I did not know.

"Leave us!" I barked, not looking away from Robb. I could hear chairs scrape as people got up to leave.

"Catelyn, stay," I said.

I did not remove my eyes from Robb's until the door closed, and it was just the three of us in the room.

"Tell her what idiocy this is," Robb said, and I let out a frustrated groan.

My mother by law stayed silent, and I could tell that she was conflicted.

"Would you not risk your life you your sister?" Catelyn asked quietly.

"Of course I would, but that-" My husband started.

"It is the same," Catelyn's voice cracked, "She has a good chance of making it back here with Arya."

"I will not let her risk her life!" Robb yelled, silencing us both.

"It is not your choice to make!" I yelled back, challenging him.

"Yes it is! I am king, and I say that we have to find another way," He said, and my eyes widened. I knew that he didn't want to pull rank, but he was desperate to get me to stop.

I could see the pleading in his eyes. There was a silent message there that said 'I can't loose anyone else'.

"Alright," I gave up, my shoulders dropping. I heard Catelyn let out a sob, and I saw her cover her mouth in attempt to keep quiet.

"Let me speak with her. I will come find you in a moment," I said quietly, and Robb nodded, figuring that I would comfort his mother.

He left, and when the door clicked closed, Catelyn glared at me through the tears in her eyes.

"How could you just give up? I know that you are more stubborn than that- and my daughter's life is on the line!" She exclaimed, and I walked forward.

I did not know how good I would be at comforting her, so I simply pulled her into a hug and whispered in her ear, "I am not giving up. Robb will not let me, so I will have to go myself."

I pulled away and looked her in the eyes to make sure that she heard me. Her eyes filled with appreciation.

"I will leave tonight. Do not act suspicious, or Robb will find out. I promise that I will save Arya," I said.

"Thank you," Catelyn whispered.


That night, right before bed, I placed the book I was reading on the nightstand as Robb walked into the room. He had been talking with his grandfather, I think.

They'd decided to reconvene tomorrow to think of ways to get Arya. But there wasn't enough time for that.

"I am sorry about today," He said, and I tilted my head to the side.

"The part where you called me an idiot or the part where you completely forgot that we agreed to rule together?" I said, and he sighed.

"I figured that you would not drop it," He let out a breath and took off his cloak.

"Of course I won't. But I don't want to speak of it tonight," I said, crossing my arms.

He pulled his tunic over his head and heat pooled in my stomach and between my legs. I openly stared at him.

"We don't have to speak at all tonight," He suggested easily, and I bit my lip.

We had gotten married a whole day ago, and we still had yet to consummate it. And oh, I wanted to. I needed to.

"I'm still mad at you," I said as I got up.

I pushed the thin strap of my nightdress off my shoulders, and the dress fell to the floor in a puddle of fabric.

I anticipated us doing this tonight, so I had not worn anything else to bed.

I was glad for my natural Dornish confidence(maybe cockiness), because here I was, standing naked next to my bed with my husband staring at me.

He kicked off his shoes, and his eyes did not leave my body the whole time. I think he was trying to memorize it.

He walked forward in only his trousers and grabbed my waist, pulling me against him. I could feel that his cock was hard against my thigh.

"You can be mad, if you want... You can also take it out on me right now if you want," He said, and I grinned.

This was exactly what I needed.


I looked at the carriage and grabbed Catelyn's hands, squeezing them.

I was to pull the carriage full of goods and food with a horse. A lot of traders in Essos would not have horses, but I certainly was not going to pull the bloody thing myself.

Catelyn was also forcing me to take Brienne incase we ran into trouble.

I felt really bad. Robb and I had certainly consummated our marriage(more than once), but the second he fell asleep I placed the letter I'd wrote on his bedside and left.

"Thank you again," Catelyn said, and I smiled.

I climbed onto my horse, looking at her, "No, thank you for helping me."

Brienne climbed on the horse next to mine after saying a few words to Catelyn.

We were going to leave when Catelyn suddenly stopped me, "I almost forgot."

She handed me a small satchel. I glanced inside and saw a small needlework pillow with a direwolf on it, and the name 'Nymeria' stitched underneath. And a letter with a wax seal and a House Stark stamp in it.

"In case she questions you. She's very cautious, my Arya," Catelyn said fondly, her eyes looking distant.

"I will bring her back to you." I promised, then glanced at Brienne, "We will bring her back."

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<3 :)


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