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3 months later.

i walked into my brand new house and set my car keys on the kitchen counter. me and chance had been living here for a little over two weeks now and i honestly thought i'd feel a bit smothered by him but i'm actually happier than i've been in a long while. modeling gigs lasted about 14 hours nowadays so i assumed chano was asleep.

i walked into our bedroom and got into bed with my sleeping beau. i smiled. this reminded me of times when i'd come home from work to find bryson in deep sleep even though he promised he'd stay up. i don't think i miss bryson, chance just reminds me of him in certain ways. except for the going behind my back and cheating on me with my best friend and who knows who else kind of ways. i turned over, facing the door and thought. i think i really want to settle down with chance. he's everything i've been asking for, and then some. the fact that he made the decision to buy a house and put it in my name shows that he's really all about me. he wants to provide for me, even though i'm more than capable of working to get everything myself. lost in my thoughts, i soon drifted off to sleep. i even dreamed about chance and how things would be if we got married and had a baby. i know we haven't been together for nothing but a couple months but i did have baby fever and we were in a stable household with a legitimate income. maybe adding a little human to the mix wouldn't hurt. in the dream, everything was perfect, of course. but would it turn out like that in real life? what if chance doesn't want a baby? what if he isn't even ready for marriage? my thoughts were years ahead of where they needed to be.

a week later.

"baby, would you like to go on a date tomorrow night?" chance asked as he strolled into the kitchen. i smiled.
"a date? with my boo? sounds like a plan." he laughed and engulfed me in a hug that lasted a little longer than usual.
"chano, whatcha' dooooin'?" i giggled. he let go. "what? i can't hug my baby?" i laughed, and kissed him. "yessss you can, hug me more." i said. i was so in love with this man. i wanted him to hug me and never let go.

at dinner.

chance brought me to my favorite restaurant, Cheesecake Factory. after our meal, i excused myself to the ladies' room to freshen up before we leave. when i came back, there was a strawberry cheesecake at my seat. "um, i didn't order this," i laughed as i sat down. "i know," chance stated as he stood up. i looked at the plate again and across the top in a chocolate drizzle it read "jayde..." on the bottom it read, "i have a question,"
"chance what is..-" i looked up, only to see chance on his knee with a tiny black box in his hand. i gasped and stood up, covering my mouth. "chaaance, oh my goshh," i teared up.
"jayde, you are the absolute love of my life, you are my world, my moon, my stars, my rock. you push me to get up every morning and make music. you are beautiful and i want to spend my life with none other than you. would you do the honors... of making me the happiest man on earth.. and becoming my wife?" by this time i was a total mess of tears. i could barely say "yes," but when i did, the whole restaurant began to clap. he put the ring on my finger and stood up, pulling me into a hug and kissing me. i couldn't believe what just happened. chance proposed. i knew God had been hearing my prayers, and now he was answering them. i felt so happy and blessed to have this man in my life.

at home.

chance laid in bed with me as i stared at my beautiful engagement ring. (in the MM, along with jayde's outfit to dinner) "chance, i love you," i said before falling asleep in my man's arms. "i love you way more, jayde" he mumbled before joining me in blissful rest.


not proofread.

the way | chance the rapper *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now