chapter 4

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The night was beyond perfect if it can be put this way, I had such an amazing time in the party, I helped a lot of girls tonight and I was chosen to be the prom queen, what else could have I ask? Mostly, I have had a good time with my friends and I was able to enjoy myself when I had the chance, and what took place I would rather for it to remain hidden and concealed. Truly, it was the sort of lesson that I wished I would have leanrt differently, but life can be surprising very often.

I told mum everything and pretended that I didn't see Megan eavesdropping at the door of the room. She was happy, but she had to go to work, you know that time, when work calls, you can't say no.

I went to the kitchen and made myself a Nutella sandwich, I don't have a specific eating system like most of the girls I know to do, I just eat anything I desire in small amounts and work out after it until I feel satisfied with my weight and how I look again. Megan went to her morning jog and I had loads of free time, which I didn't know what to do with, Since I was delaying it to another time, I figured that now is the right time to choose which school will I go to. This is the most suitable time to choose what I wish to do with my time, something I love doing and enjoy the most, there are so many possibilities for me to consider and it is a bit overwhelming.

I don't want to study here, I have been all my life and I see how hard it is for a college student and how to face life , I see how they get a student loan and work very hard to be able to pay for it, to avoid going behind bars and proceed with their life. I see my mum working for a long time with over time in order to provide food on the table and get a roof over our heads, As for my dad, that is a subject I don't want to get into it. I am still young, and I still have my entire life before me to make mistakes and learn, but at the same, I want to choose the best for me.

I don't want mum to carry this burden all by herself, she has a lot on her plate right now, and she has to do more and more. In her eyes it isn't enough, so now I have to get this done. Grabbing the newspaper, I started flicking through the pages until I found the jobs page, I looked through them, whatever job I thought it could work for me, I circle it and went to the next one. So far, I ended up with 10 jobs and numbers lying within my hands. This was a convenient way to save money to help mum with the expenses of the house and gain as much experience as I can at the moment. I couldn't do this to my own mum, I am not that sort of person.

I narrowed it down until I found the perfect one for me, Baby sitter, this job I was looking for, how hard can it be to watch over some lads? I took the phone number and waited for an answer from the other line.

"Hello?" a feminine voice said, there was some noise in the back, but soon it was gone

"Hello, I am calling for the baby sitter toy asked for on the newspaper"

"Yeah, will you be able to get here in like 20 minutes? I can use any help I get right now"

" yeah, but I will need the address," I said as I grabbed a paper and a pen writing down the details she was giving me. I wanted to tell mum that I was out, but she was busy right now, so I decided that I would inform on her lunch break. My mum was the sort of person that wouldn't agree if I did such a thing, but if I told her after I have done it, then she wouldn't be able to argue that I can't do such thing. True, I felt horrible for doing this without her knowledge, but I wouldn't have my mum take care of everything for me for the rest of my life, I want to help as well.

I picked black leggings and a tank top and went to my bike, with the earphones on and paddling my way there, I played some songs and hummed with it. It was a clear day with that cool breeze blowing my hair and back from behind. Suddenly, the music stopped and my phone started ringing, it was Juliana. Oh, man, I forgot to call her last night and inform her with my details and she does the same. It was a habit that we have grown into, and last night was the most important night of the year and we would talk about it for hours if we could.

"Hello, Juliana how are you?"

"Well, I am fine, you are so dead" she screamed over the phone, and there was a visible tone of anger in her voice! oh, it must be big, and she isn't that easily pissed. I know partly the reason that caused her to be cross with me.

"Well, I am doing just great, thank you for asking, and showing that you care that much"

"Don't you play stupid on me! Don't change the subject, what did you do last night?" Gees, she sounds like a mad mum knowing her daughter agreed on her first date behind her back, I tried to recall the events took places in the school gym last night, but nothing seemed to happen out of the usual. It was mostly nothing, we danced and I learnt the ugly truth of that horrible excuse of a human being called Kyle. But I wasn't going to allow it to control and prevent me from living my life happily, truly he was important to me, but even he wouldn't be able to stop me and keep me from enjoying life to the fullest.

" Other than going to prom, I don't recall"

"What were you thinking last night with what you did with the tiaras for everyone?"

"What is wrong with that? you know me, Juliana, you know me like the back of your hand, you already know the answer to your question!"

"How dare you do it and forget to make sure that I don't get one? your best friend?" She said and I giggled, I thought it was something big. "OK, I am sorry that you didn't have one, but I give you my word that you will have one," I said as I checked the area to see if the house is among them or not.

"What is that in the back?" she said, I just realized that I haven't told her about last night and how everything went in harmony, or how I have thought about seeking for a job. So many things were taking place now, and it was a bit challenging to keep up with it myself and inform others of what I have done.

"Look, I have to go now, I will talk to you later," I said as I hung the phone, not letting her have any time to speak, I felt bad for doing so, but her timing was bad. Finally, after searching among the numbers of houses in the street, I found it at last. It was nothing similar to what I imagined it to be, it was enormous. It was more likely to be a mansion or a palace than a house if I wanted to describe it to you.

I putt my bike aside and went to the house, locking my phone, I walked into the porch and rang the bell. I was very nervous, I always loved children and I knew how to cope with them, but I have never been paid to do it. I shall take this chance to learn as much as I can, the variety of children I have to tend to can come in handy if one of them was a bit difficult to contain.

A lady in her mid-30s opened the door and greeted me, she looks that she had to do something quickly as if her time wasn't hers to give. She was the sort of person that you would picture as an independent and strong woman, who would appear on the cover of a business magazine.

"I am Laila, we spoke on the phone for the baby sitter" I said as she got me into the house and rushed to the mirror, " Yeah look, the chores are written on the fridge and she is in the bathroom, I have to go and I will pay you later, bye" she said and slammed the door behind her. Wow, she is polite.

I placed my backpack in a spot that I can easily find else time, the little girl was inside. I did not know which room she went to after she left the restroom, so I called her but there was no answer. Regardless of how hard the kid tries to cause it to be hard for me, I am not going to stop trying.

"In here " I heard the little girl say from the bedroom, she is 16 years old. The age difference between us wasn't very big, I think it would be fun to hang out with her, you know, get to know her. This is an advantage to tending to kids, you learn more about them than you think.

"Hello, I am Laila," I said as I walked to her, this girl seemed to be a very nice person, yet again I shouldn't judge a book by its cover, last time I did that, I was only hurting myself. I can only treat her with my morals and treat her like I would be treated, and not all would do the same, but I will treat her as best as I can

" I am Alma," she said while pacing around the room like a sign that she is worried about something, clearly I don't know, I wanted to do anything to stop her from having something to worry about, but we just met, it was normal for her to feel that way. I shall give this girl as much time as she requires for her to feel comfortable around me and open up. I want her to feel like I am more of a friend than a hired babysitter.

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