chapter 53

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This morning she woke up feeling truly happy, the impact that Azad's words have left  on her  was beyond measure, she went to the powder room and had a shower, she hopped into a pair of jeans and knee high white knitted jumper with her red velvet vile and white flats with her red bag pack and went off, the weather was turning slightly chilly, life was running through the streets and stores of the neighbor, it was quite amazing, that Allah gave all of those people the chance to do whatever they pleased, but they have to take the responsibility for their own actions whether in Dunia,  or in Judgement day as they can't pretend they haven't done it as Allah knows everything about everyone's lives, whether it was concealed or not, he has planned their entire life from before they were born, to their death and where

they agreed on that Azad goes to work for his Father's firm as a purpose to better his c.v when he works in his next job, and to run the house they both handle now, it is such  a strange feeling, she thought, to be away from all the things you have grown attached to after a while, when you get married, as a girl, you partly give your freedom for the sake of your house, husband and family and their welfare,but that doesn't mean that you become remote from the world around you, you just need to organise   your prioritises   and needs according to your new responsibility

it has perks, you see, you are going to live with your beloved husband in the same house, under the same roof, allowing you both to carry out new and crazy activities together, pray to Allah and what so on 

Her phone started vibrating within her backpack, it was Azad, even though he isn't present here at the moment, her heart beat escalates whenever she hears his name or think about him, he have captured her essence with his presence, he came into her life and showed her what sort of things she have messing out, but now she sense that she has a purpose to live to accomplish , worshiping Allah, that is

"Yes, Azad?"

"Where are you?"

"i am not in the house at the moment, i went for a walk"

" Stay where you are"


"i  will inform you when i see you" he said and he ended the line, what is happening as he sounded quite taken by worry?

she waited for him and he parked the car and told her to get inside," what is wrong Azad?" she asked confused and his eyes stayed focused on the non-ending route before them,"Nothing, nothing" he said avoiding her eyes, something was wrong but she didn't know what or why wouldn't he tell her, they agreed that they would trust each other and don't have any secrets among them 

she waited until they reached home to talk about what took place and caused him to be upset like that

"What happened?"

" i heard on the new that there was a mass prison escape, who were sentenced to death for murder and manslaughter" he said avoiding her eyes, she knew him quite well, he did so as he didn't want her to see worry visible in his eyes, but it was pointless, she have never wanted to do that , she wanted to take part in responsibility as well, but he, as all boys, was stubborn and never wanted to share it with her

she never said anything yet, she just held his hand and that caused him to turn his gaze around to meet her eyes, as soon as their eyes met, she could see sadness easily in his eyes, they were saddened and quiet, not shining and sparkling like always, Then  she knew that it is the appropriate time to speak, " Azad, you didn't have to do that"

"Do what?!"

"You know what i mean, we are together now, if you don't do this, then how would you be able to trust me with anything? i want to hold the weight with you, you don't have to carry it by yourself" she said, getting to the point, his eyes were seas of mystery and secrets as soon as you look at them, they withdraw you and your words into them and leave you speechless

"You are never meant to hold any more weight"

"But i want to , it is my job as your wife, you don't have to carry it by yourself" she said, smiling to show him  that she is willing to do so, but everything takes time, you see, old habits die hard, he won;t be able to carry this increasingly big weight lone, he has to grow used to it, sharing it with her

"Layla, i want you to know something"


" you look absolutely breathe-taking" he whispered into her ear and went off, leaving her bright red and confused, that boy!

He never her the chance to do anything as he went inside, laughing hard and loud, she slammed the door behind her, that caused him to stop laughing and look at her with confused look on his face, as if something was wrong , she wanted to prank him for doing this to her and that was the perfect  to do so

"Layla, are you alright?" he said as he inspected her for anything, she walked and looked at him, but never said anything, she didn't do anything no say, she wanted to see his reaction, "Layla, what happened?" he said as observed her eyes carefully, she had no idea what came over her and tears were streaming down her cheeks, all the thoughts came back to her, the thought about her family and friends

she hasn't cried in a long time and has been bottling in her emotions within  herself,  and not telling it to anyone, she despised crying before other people, she despised to show her weakness to other except to people whom she felt close to and trust the most, Azad, for instance

"Layla, what is wrong?" Azad, asked once more, but this time he approached her slightly more and sat beside her, she wanted to tell him what she felt, but no words would form in her mouth as the lump in her throat prevented her from doing so, there was no word  to describe how she felt at the moment, the pain and ache in her chest blurred  her thoughts in her mind and the tears in her eyes prevented her from releasing the reality she is occupying at the moment

"I-I n-need a m-moment" she said out of breathe, she had no idea how she had the ability to form those words together,she  was completely out of breathe, all her energy was drained by crying, she has lost the desire to do anything anymore, it is funny how she was feeling this morning that she was happy beyond measure and now she feels like she isn't worthwhile,Azad looked at her with sad expression clouding his eyes and his face, as there sin't something to be done here, by him or her, to make her feel better than she is feeling at the present          

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