AU: married ( Lucaya )

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Maya's POV

Lucas and I have been married for 5 months and i couldn't be happier. But something was wrong. Lucas was a bit distant, his hugs and kisses didn't feel the same, but I'm just guessing he's tired of work.

*the next day*

Lucas POV

There is so many things I regret in my life, one of them is marrying Maya. It was the worts decision in my in titre life. In the beginning of our relationship, everything was perfect, we had ups and downs but we were happy. My feelings for Maya disappeared. I found someone else and I have already signed The divorce papers and I am going to tell her, someday.

4 months later

Maya's POV

Lucas was acting really weird towards me, if you asked me why 3 months ago I wouldn't know,but now, I know.
Lucas was not happy with me, I know that he's cheating on me, I have seen the divorce papers in his bag, I know that he take late shifts at work just to not come home, I know that he's scared to tell me, so I am going to it a lot easier for him.
I started to pack my bags, putting everything that was mine in the bags. I put all the stuff he brought for me in a box, so I could later give it back to him.
When I was done I put all of my bags in what used to be our bedroom.
At 9 pm I heard the door open.

Lucas POV

The first thing I see when I opened the door was Maya sitting in our couch, I took a look at her hands and saw that she was holding, divorce papers ? I open my bag and looked inside, nope they were gone. Oh right she's holding them, fuck she knows.


"I know that you want to get a divorce."

"What ?"

"I'll see you in 4 weeks" she said as she handed me the divorce papers that she had signed.


"What do you want ?" She said annoyed.

"I'm sorry. I really am, it's just I'm not happy anymore. I wish I was. I just want you to know that I did love you in the beginning of our relationship, then my feelings disappeared and I found someone else. I'm just sorry."

"Yeah I know"

"I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry too"

"For what ?"

"For wasting 5 years and 9 months of your life"

"You didn't waste 5 years of my life"

"You sure ? Because that's clearly not what you said to Amanda."

"How do you know about Amanda"

"I have my ways"

"I'm sorry for cheating"

"Does it look like I care anymore ? Now if you excuse me I have to go."

"Don't leave"

"Goodbye Lucas"


I know the ending/story sucks but I have nothing to write about but whatever I hope you like it and if I want I will make a part two. I love you all ❤️

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 28, 2016 ⏰

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