Magic Eye by 15MinuteHorror

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Okay, so I didn't actually make this story, its a favourite of mine though, it was written by "15MinuteHorror", written 10 months ago, here it is... Magic Eye


I always thought of myself as a nice, compassionate person. I remember my wedding, where my wife and I were married in a gazebo on a lake. Sometimes I watch the wedding video over and over again, to remember the happiness that I used to have. We were smiling and kissing each other, without a shred of doubt as to the glorious future ahead of us.

I remember the fateful day that life was interrupted by a knock on the door. A man in a fine black suit handed me his business card, and informed me that he was a headhunter for a lucrative pharmaceutical company. Apparently they were in need of optometrists, and I fit the bill. Of course it seemed strange to me, but the money he offered was like something out of a dream. With that much money, I could buy my wife her dream home, and pay for tuition for all the kids we would have. Eventually, I managed to overcome my wife's complaints and agreed to take the job.

The next week they stuffed me into a helicopter and flew me for hours. I wasn't really paying attention to the destination, and for some reason, despite my excitement, I fell asleep during the flight. The last thing I remember was having the sun to my side. I think we were flying north, towards Canada.

We arrived at a curious helipad at the foot of a mountain range. I wondered what could be here, but was informed that we had arrived. Not fifty meters away, a large steel docking port was opened, revealing what I could only describe as a human termite mound of scientists and construction workers... and oddly enough, men in military gear holding assault rifles.

The only information I could gather as I entered the bunker were big white letters on the floor of the docking port. It said BGS-2. I had heard some other people talking as I walked through the hallways to my room, and gathered that this was the “Bio-genetic solutions” building, or corporation, or some such thing. I can't remember the exact name, but if that was the name of the company then I have been unable to find any information about it since.

I was introduced to the lab director, the man who would be my boss's boss (supposedly). He was a very quiet man, and told me that he had high expectations from me, but that I was easily replaceable if I was not up to task. I found talking with him to be extremely intimidating, and I grew unsure of my ability to do what they were going to ask of me.

After I got deeper into the bunker, it seemed as though the military personnel disappeared. There were only men and women in lab coats everywhere I went. Apparently the inner portion of the bunker was like a sealed bio-dome just for the scientists. We had our own cafeteria, individuals rooms, showers, everything. They even had what I assume were LCD monitors in the hallways displaying mountain scenery and fake sunlight.

My first day I learned all about my new working area from a man named Steve. Apparently we weren't supposed to give out our last names, or talk about where we were from. But what Steve told me was amazing. He was part of a team that was working on a new type of polymer, something to do with carbon fiber tubes in a special matrix. He pulled a piece of what looked like paper thin plexiglass out of his pocket, and told me to break it. I played along, and for the life of me I couldn't just not break it, I couldn't even bend it. It was like a sheet of diamond steel. He told me about all the possible implications for the new material: safety glass, aircraft frames, space ship parts, medical braces... it was limitless. Apparently this laboratory was on the cutting edge of every technology I could think of. I grew to wonder what exactly my project would be, but it was not long before I found out.

The name of my project was “Magic Eye”, and much to my surprise I was designated project lead. I had a team of eight people working under me, half of them chemists and the other half biologists I guess. Really, the only thing I did was run the clinical trials on volunteers with the help of my assistant, Emily. Emily was a grad student, but apparently her father was very well connected. Regardless, her portion of the work was purely procedural and she was good at it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2013 ⏰

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