Ill just finish it...

37 2 2

25)it depends on what what someone did...
26) when people say y'all in Texas on purpose, most Texans don't say that...I hate it when it's on tv or in real life it just makes me....want to...punch my brother... .-.
27)uh, Good enough..
29)the dead by Charlie higson
30)not at all..
31)I don't really like sharing my birthday cuz I never celebrate it, but August 17
32)um...fixing my step brothers car...
33)this is gospel-panic at the disco
Or moar ghosts n stuff-deadmau5
34)um...falling off my skateboard going downhill in front of my little sister....or skating in front of her...
35)most people, choose one, my step brother
36)eh...I guess...
37)*sigh* I need help...

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