Chapter 1

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Norah Radcliffe stopped with her hand poised to knock. She had been told to "go on back" by the docent, but as she had approached the closed doors she could hear an argument on the other side.

"Stay out of it, Elizabeth. If he wants your help, he'll ask for it!" a raised male voice insisted.

"He is too stubborn to ask!" a female voice just as insistent responded.

Norah recognized the female voice, it was Lizzy Alexander, and she was the owner of the gallery. Lizzy had come across Norah and her work at the Austin City Art Festival which was held in downtown Austin every April. She had claimed to be very taken with Norah's work and had set-up an appointment for Norah to come and visit her at her gallery.

Maybe Lizzy had forgotten, maybe she should turn around and leave.

That's what she would do, she would leave and then call before she came next time. Norah had turned to go when the door flew open and a handsome man just about mowed her down.

Norah noted that he was huge and startlingly handsome with silver hair and deep blue eyes just before he reached out and grabbed her by her arms before she could fall.

"Norah, I'm so glad you came. Please, meet my husband, Brian Alexander. He isn't usually so bad mannered as to run over women." Lizzy smiled from the doorway of her office, looking unaffected by her recent argument.

Brian released Norah and shot Lizzy a look through narrowed eyes, and Norah swore she saw Lizzy's eyes twinkle in response. She was obviously unfazed by her husband's bad temper.

Brian turned his attention back to Norah after one last lingering look at his wife. "I am sorry, but if you'll excuse me I have a meeting with my lawyer."

"Whom you will mention none of our earlier discussion to," Lizzy hissed.

"What I say to my lawyer is in the strictest confidence." He arched an eyebrow in a dare.

Lizzy's eyes narrowed and Norah knew that if Lizzy had something to throw at him she probably would have aimed for his head. Norah's gaze swung to Brian and this time the twinkle was in his eyes.

It confused Norah so much. Were they or were they not mad at each other?

"Please come in, Norah." Lizzy motioned to her office behind her. "Let me take a look at those sketches of yours again."

Brian had already reached the door to the gallery and was through it before Lizzy had shut her office door.

The next hour flew by. Lizzy was very excited about her drawings and wanted Norah to do a one woman show in June which completely shocked Norah. She knew that she had some talent but not enough for a one woman show. She would have never have guessed that she was that good.

Norah swallowed hard and watched as Lizzy picked up a drawing of Caleb. She had thought about taking that one out of her portfolio because it was so personal, but she knew it was one of her best, and so against her better judgment she had included it.

"How much would you like for this one?" Lizzy asked, fascinated by the drawing.

"That one is not for sale," Norah said in a whisper. It was a sketch she had done of Caleb after their first meeting. It was black and white and showed the strength of character in his face as well as his eyes, but it was his eyes that were riveting. The only color she had included in the sketch was in his eyes. They sky blue and vivid. Norah had been shocked by the beauty of his eyes and she had captured that in the drawing.

"Who is he?" Norah could feel Lizzy's eyes on her, probing and curious.

"He is just an old friend. I haven't seen him in years." Norah did her best to keep her voice light as the words broke her heart all over again.

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