Chapter 12

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Norah was sitting at the drafting board trying to get the image of Cassie and Mason down on paper.  She had decided to draw them how they had looked that day they had danced.  Mason was dipping Cassandra and her hair was a waterfall of red, her eyes were closed and Mason's lips were on her neck. The interest in the drawing came with their attire. Instead of the dress clothes that one would expect such a dramatic pose to have they were both wearing blue jeans and t-shirts. The passion was there but so were the laid back personalities that they both had.  Norah could not help adding a look of mischievousness to Mason's expression as he looked up at the viewer.  It was pure Mason saying 'look at what I have, don't you wish you were me?'

Norah couldn't help but giggle at the drawing.

The letter that Lizzy had left for her contained half of the agreed payment with instructions for her to please call Lizzy's office and schedule a meeting for the following week.  Norah had been so relieved that as soon as she got home that evening she had begun to sketch and hadn't stopped in almost a week.

Just then there was a knock at the door and she couldn't help the smile that lingered on her lips as she answered it and was shocked to see her sister standing on the other side.

Alisha's eyes were hidden behind dark glasses so Norah couldn't tell what she was thinking.

"Alisha," Norah said stunned at a loss for a reason as to why she was there.


Norah just stared at Alisha.

"Aren't you going to ask me in?"

"Yes, of course." Norah stood back allowing her to enter.

The house was simple and homey. Norah was proud of the home she had made, but looking at it through Alisha's eyes she could see where it was lacking. Alisha's husband had money and had built her a palace, and even though Norah had only been in it a few times she remembered that reeked of style.

"I need you to sign some papers to close out father's estate." Alisha reached into her oversized purse and pulled out a thick packet of papers. "It should only take a minute." She handed over the papers and was reaching into her purse for a pen when Caleb came through the kitchen at the back of the house.

He stopped dead in the middle of the hallway when he caught sight of Alisha but his face remained a careful mask as he looked from one to the other.

Norah looked back at Alisha and watched as her face took on a ruddy complexion, even with her glasses it was easy to tell she was not at all pleased to see Caleb.

Norah turned back to Caleb taking in his appearance.  He had been working the last few days at a construction site with Brian and he looked as if he had been very hands-on at the site.  He was filthy and had some sort of white dust in his hair, his blue jeans were coated in it as well and his boots must have been dirty because he was only wearing his socks.

Norah thought he looked gorgeous and she couldn't help but stare.

"What's he doing here?" Alisha asked her voice coming out strained.

Norah turned to look at Alisha. She tried to see Caleb through her eyes and couldn't. To her Caleb looked as he always had, a man who had put in a hard day's work. She wondered what Alisha would say if she knew the truth about Caleb and his family.

"He's staying here." Norah took the contract and moved towards the desk for a pen.

"What's that?" Caleb asked looking at the papers in her hand.

"That is none of your business," Alisha said, her tone leaving little doubt about what she thought of Caleb.

"I'm not sure Caleb, it has something to do with Father's estate," Norah said ignoring her sister.

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