Chapter 1

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Hope you like it.-k.d.not edited

     Typical day at school nothing better to do....Oh hey there didn't see you.Will I guess you'll be here a while so I suggest some popcorn and soda for the moment.Anywho since you'll be here I might as well introduce myself,I'm Maryanne and well I'm in highschool and don't have many friends and am good in school;wow now saying this I sound pretty boring.Will I guess that's it,lets go back to my boring arse day.I mean it's school were talking about even tho I'm good at it I'm not liking it, to much work.

So ya I was at lunch time eating my lunch like I normal person then BAM! It hit me,no literally it hit me will he hit me.Next thing I know I'm covered in cafeteria food it was disgusting.I looked up, "will I guess I should change", "uh no.... I mean ya but ugh I'm sorry is what I'm trying say".

"Oh ya it's ok will it isn't but I'll get around","here let me help you or something I mean I did cause it"."No offence but what could you possibly do I mean I'll have to finish school in this stained outfit and a mess of hair" omg that sounded so rude oops,"I could give you my shirt I mean if you want to...ugh no I mean ugh"."I get what you mean and you don't have to...but if you want to".I'm such a flirt lol "Here let me change into my gym shirt then I'll give you mine","fine by me".I mean if he wanted to give me his shirt fine by me,no joke but for real this is the closest I've been to a boy;I'm so pathetic.He then came back I don't recall him leaving,wow he's the flash or something with the shirt in his hand and handed it to me,such a nice bloke.

"thxs you know for the shirt and dumping the food on me cuz with out that I wouldn't have made a new friend",I of course was joking but he took it serious and said ya friends now what? Never been this confused in my life,as you can see I don't do a lot of human interactions "cool then what's your name?"."it's Henry"the name reminds me of Hershey's chocolate don't know why,"no way mine is Maryanne!".i'm over dramatic "haha and is that suppose to have a connection?","will we both have and e, n,r,y sooo... ya"I always find a way "wow,will see you later Maryanne"."see ya Hershey's... I mean Henry",wow and there goes my chonce of ever being in love,lol

After that I quickly changed into his shirt which fit me quite nice if I may say so.Then I cleaned up a bit my short's and hair made it looked decent.After a while I managed for it not to look bad and decent enough.Then I headed to class the bell ringing minutes ago.Got there was late and was told off but then I see that bloke again Hershey's chocolate at it again,will then such for a quincidence.Will see what this friendship brings for me.

Will that was shitty,sorry for that;but ya hope you liked it and have a lovely day.-k.d.

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