Finding Each Other

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I will switch off the point of views ill make sure to let you know who it is.


Aria's Point Of View 

Beep beep beep beep beep beep

I blinked my eyes open adjusting them to the sunlight. I turned off my alarm it was Monday, and I had to get ready for school. For a few more moments I stayed still. I felt chills as I removed the warm blankets off of me. I walked to my bathroom and I turned on music as i showered and washed my hair. I got out and quickly wrapped my towel around me as the cold air nipped my skin.

 I walked to my room looking at my dads bedroom door i sighed and got dressed quickly. I put on my black combat boots, black skinny jeans,grey tank and my leather jacket I walked out my door and grabbed my bag that was on the floor and drove to school in my black Range Rover stoping by a caffe to grab a donut I saw Simone at the cash register and smiled. "Hey Simone" I said waving. "Hey Aria!! Do you want the usual ?" she said cheerfully I nodded we talked until the food was done I sat and ate and then drove to school as I arrived at the gates of hell I honked my way through all the kids walking to their friends.

 I parked and got out and went to my class waiting for the class to start and my friends to come in because they were always and i mean always late. I reached in my bag to pull out my phone, but it wasn't there i must've left it in my car I picked up my bag  and walked out to my car I grabbed my phone and as i was closing the door I heard a screech a black Mercedes pulled into the parking spot next to me.

 I heard the group of girls near me screech "Drew is back!! OMG!!""Don't even worry about him his eyes will be on me I'm wearing a totally new outfit". Then i turned and looked through my wind shield and saw a couple guys i tried listening in because they were looking at something behind me "I heard he was in jail while he was gone for trashing a teachers car" after that i stopped listening they sounded so ignorant. 

 I rolled my eyes I would've killed my self if i had the same level of stupidity the girls in this school had they  were always worried about boys i don't understand why they thought life is a movie where the guy will just look at them and fall in love could they not at least  keep their feelings discreet?

I turned back and saw the girls looking at my direction but not at me but what was behind me just like the guys were. Hmmmm what was it I closed my door and turned walking a few feet back as i turned around I bumped into someone and almost tripped before getting caught by the waist. I stood still and turned my head to look at the person before i saw them shamelessly staring at my boobs. "Dude seriously get let me go" I would have much more apreciated falling then being held by that guy. I walked away from him quickly looking at my phone notification and bumped into someone else and fell this time. 

I picked up my phone and before I got up from the floor a big hand reached out to  me for me to take it.  I looked at the owner of the hand and took a deep breath at the guy in front of me. He had a defined jaw and a dimple in his chin he had  dirty blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He must've been sculpted by God himself I mean he was a sight I  would not mind having to stare at all day.

 "You gonna stay down there forever or are you going to get up for first period" his  husky voice interrupted my thoughts. I took the strangers hand and dusted off my bum pushing his hand out of  my way while doing so . "Hi um.. my name is Aria" I said holding out my hand "I would say your welcome but it seems my help was unneeded  my names Drew"

He paused with and with a smirk said "But I bet you that I don't have to tell you though everyone knows my name ". With that comment my welcoming  smile fell off my face. Who the hell did he think he was ugh why do the cute ones always have to be so cocky with a ego bigger then Mark Henry and Big Show combined?

 "Well Drew isn't your ego a little large and you aren't as relevant as you think, I mean who are you because i wouldn't know but from that little introduction i wouldn't EVER  want to know. And this must be a first because obviously in your world your known by everyone but I've  never heard of you and next time when you introduce yourself to someone new try to sound less of an ass. The more you'll know in life " I said with a very well intended rude and snarky attitude. And after her retort his face fell. And I took my phone out and opened the camera and took a picture of his priceless facial expression.

He picked up his face and said "Did you take a picture so that you would always be able to see my handsome beautiful gorgeous face" putting a smirk on his face. I looked up and said "Oh me no i just wanted to make sure that I would always be able to see that it was priceless"It was truly something i wanted to remember. i slowly walked backwards with a smirk of my own and walked back to first period. I saw that everyone began rushing and I knew i was late and lost a good seat but I honestly didn't care. I put whoever that boy was in his place and from the way i remembered those girls squealing about him he was some it boy, and I knew I  had lied when I  said I  never wanted to know him because I  wanted to find out everything I  could about him now.  



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Bye loves =)=)=)

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