OMFG Leave me Alone!! I Think?

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Chapter Two : OMFG Leave Me Alone!! I Think?

First period just like it usually is was filled with me barely tuning in and me barely chiming in. That was until Tony my best buddy came and sat next to me. 

"Hey Girlie" Tony said with a smile   "Hey Tony. How was your date with Alex" I said while putting my feet up on his legs. "It was amazing we had dinner at this Italian restaurant and then went on a walk through ChildTimes Park the one with all the twinkling lights and the horses. Aria you have no idea how romantic he is I think I've found love" he said with a dreamy voice. "Aww Tony i told you he was sweet are you going to go out with him  again" I said hopefully. 

"Oh no" he said with the most definite tone. "Wait why?You said he  was amazing"I said pouting. "It was but he was super uncomfortable with holding hands and I know your going to say that he might've been afraid of PDA but we were the only ones in the park!!" 

Before I could respond the bell rang and the class came to an end "Make sure to read chapter 12 and 13 for homework. You guys are dismissed"The teacher said sitting back down in his chair to sip his coffee "Damn this class is work I wish i could see Chloe right about now." the teacher murmured. I took out my energy bar and handed it to him "You'll make it through today and Chloe is probably  fine just call her up" I said with a small smile before exiting the class. 

"Look at how much my child has grown up my God I am so proud she is so kind" said Tony pretending to wipe away his tears. "If your so so proud of me i should get a piggy back ride to next  period" I said with a nod, he crouched and i ran and jumped on his back wrapping my arms and legs around him. 

"Your so childish. Come on were gonna be late" Tony said with clear amusement in his voice. We walked around the hall and went to Tony's locker where he put his stuff away as he had no time ti put them away before class. As we walked around the building  I could see everyone i was short and was teased but I didn't mind and Tony, well Tony was the opposite of me. While i was short he was tall and depending where he was he would sometimes bend down to get through doorways. 

Tony had brown hair and green eyes he was 6'5 he was built because when he was younger he was bullied because he was gay so he bulked up and trained in Jujitsu so he could fight them off he was a warrior because he suffered through depression and instead of cutting he did something about why he was depressed work out.

I met Tony when i was in a guidance  group for kids with depression I was depressed because my mother had died when I was 14 and that meeting was something that changed my life because i met Tony and we helped each other through our problems. As we walked i saw the same boy Drew and told Tony about our encounter. 

"Wait Drew!! Your telling me that bad boy Drew and you talked and you gave him sass  and he didn't chop off your arm and kill you in his car!!" "I looked at him over his shoulder with a sassy look  and said "You would let him chop off my arm and kill me and wouldn't do anything about it" "What no well i would jump on him and try to kill him he would probably kill me before i could save you but still.

"Talking about me huh i really am  interesting  aren't I?" You know who it is Drew "Shut up uhh you aggravate my soul and i know nothing of you Tony bunk him and we could keep moving I don't want to be late " I said annoyed and bossy 

"Aria you know i would get suspended for that right" Tony said looking at her in a duh tone. "But Tony I'll take the blame like last time" I said pouting 

"The principal already knows that when we get in trouble that most times it was you not me and last time you hit Trinity not  me so that was your blame to take" 

"Then why did you tell him that it was you if to wasn't" 

"You do realize you were half assed drunk and that i did that because i am your rider and i was trying to take the blame so that your dad wouldn't be so mad because you know he doesn't want you drinking"

"You guys can argue elsewhere i am still here you know" said an annoyed Drew "But am I hearing that you fought someone" 

"Your damn right you are she was so annoying she was like another Marcee it was annoying because she was another wannabe barbie that kept getting in the way" 

"She beat her ass i mean she grabbed her hair and the punched her in the face right in her lips that little girl right here has strength she dragggged herrrrrr you should watch the video I have it on  my phone along with the other two i was there for"  

Drew looked at me with a smirk  and at the same time Drew said "Yes" while i said "NO"

"Im your best friend and we will be late" 

"Apparently I will cut you" 

"Sorry Aria if he cuts me i won't be able to carry you around no just give him your number and lets leave" They quickly exchanged numbers 

And finally we left for second period.


My other friends finally came and all twelve of us sat and talked for lunch and that was when we saw Marcee and Trinity and their whole group walk to us. I had recently fought and beat her ass and they wanted a rematch but see they thought i only had friends in school and some of them weren't the fighting group but i lived in New York and New York wasn't nothing but four hours away and my people were real riders so i really wasn't afraid of getting jumped cause i will find a bitch and beat her ass but come on lets not get into that, but lets just say I have an Italian mother from New York and she has mafia family members and my dad is a I mean  was a  Mexican Cartel leader so i really am not afraid of anything to pop off. But he changed for the better and joined the Navy Seals.

As Marcee and her fake dolls approach she starts off with a "You can't have my man hoe",and pours her drink at everyone at my table we look at each other with a knowing look and i count "1 2 3-" Before Drew and his friends come up to see everything from up close "4 5 Now!!!!


SO... What do you think 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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