DHMIS: Revivals

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(Before we begin, I obviously don't own or take any credit for DHMIS and its adorable characters. Though probably only one of mine will be involved. Maybe.)
The rain pounded mercilessly from the sky during the night. Flash after roaring flash resonated, probably from miles away. Each crash of lightning and thunder shook the foundation of many nearby homes, only one of which, a very secluded house unlike its neighbors, had its lights on.

Inside, a youthful teenaged girl was actively scurrying about the kitchen in order to prepare her late dinner she slept through previously. While stirring a pot full of chicken noodle soup, her peripheral vision captured beams of light and shadows moving closer to her house. They vanished when they reached the side, where she could no longer spot them. She patiently yet anxiously awaited in her place affront the oven until they would leave.

A good fifteen minutes passed by. The girl remained motionless other than stirring the pot's contents or turning off the heat. She assumed the three shadows vacated her property, so she took a moment to gather her courage to see what their intrusion was all about. The girl walked towards her old antique coatrack and reached for her fuzzy wolf jacket; the silver one with pointed ears on the hood and a lengthy fooffy 'tail' on the back. After that, she barefooted outside to check for any damage or signs they may or may not have left behind.

She crept along the side of her house, ignoring the pelting rain bullets that doused her coat and any revealed skin. For paranoia's sake, she had to put her mind at ease and find something, anything. Her nerve fueled trek over soggy leaf litter, broken twigs and the like had ended abruptly at the trash can. The trash can had tape and straight sticks blocking the lid, as if someone didn't want it to be opened from the inside, or at all. But tape and rain don't interact well. In an irrational panic, she pulled the sticks out of place and used her nails to work at the adhesion.

She managed to pry the lid off her own can and she peered into it. There it was, an abnormally sizable opaque trash bag.
- (To be continued...)

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