Haruhi X reader

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The normal routine, the school bell rang and I headed down the large hallways, the heels the school gave me for my uniform clicked against the cold stone floor as I walked. Meeting the large door I pushed it open with the little strength I had and stumbled forward as the door opened landing on my front side. I could feel the eyes of the host club members staring at me before a laugh broke out "jeez you're always such a klutz (y/n), are you okay?" Looking up Haruhi had her hand extended for me to grab which I did gladly, letting her pull me up before a certain blond male pipped up "you go Haruhi, tap that!" He shouted making my cheeks go a fiery red and I withdrew my hand from Haruhi's.

Chuckling she led me to our usual spot, which was located by the window. Sitting on the pink love seat I relaxed once again and slouched causing a ghost of smile to appear on Haruhi's lips. "So my dear lady how have you been?" She asked looking a little antsy which was odd for her but I took little to no notice as I responded "tired, this school is kind of a challenge you know? Classes are set with high standards and such" sighing I glanced at her flashing her a smile "must be even harder when you only get in on honour roll huh?" Smiling she nodded her head "yeah especially when people call you a peasant and stuff like that, they were all surprised when I brought the instant coffee from the store, they looked like they saw a ghost."

Laughing I leaned back as Harhui handed me a cup of coffee which I gladly excepted and greedily sipped on knowing the night was going to be a long one "so how's work been? Shady boss still giving you issues and long nights?" "Oh you know it, he just can't seem to leave me alone because I'm the most innocent in the business, so what if I haven't kissed anyone before it's not like the person I want to kiss would kiss me back" I said laughing and Haruhi joined in with a smile "yeah I feel the same way" "aren't you and Tamaki dating though?"

Her eyes widened and she she laughed nervously rubbing the back of her neck "no we're not haha I got my eyes on someone else at the moment and between you and me" she said getting closer "he's really loud" she whispered and I covered my mouth giggling. The clock hit three and I jumped spilling coffee on myself as the ladies began to flood the room, getting pulled to my feet I was led through the crowd by Haruhi to the back.

She shut the curtains and smiled at me "no you're going to need a new uniform or just an outfit that coffee stain isn't going to help you out" she joked and went through the trunk they kept in the back "sorry we only have a dress that's your size I hope that's okay?" I smiled and nodded my head as she handed me the baby blue dress, it was frilly and beautiful.

When she turned around I changed, I wasn't bothered by the fact that she was in the room while I was getting changed, I mean we're both girls but I have a crush on her which was weird, she looks like a boy but she's really sweet and I've hung out with her a few times just at my place. Once I was in the dress I looked up having her right in front of me making my cheeks red "hey (y/n) can I ask you something?" She looked so shy all of a sudden "yeah? What is it?" "Is it bad that I like this girl who comes to the host club every day? She's really klutzy but it makes her cute, I don't know what to say to her so I ask her about the things that I think will help her forget about the environment she's put in every night, I think I love her."

My heart sank, she could be talking about any number of girls but I just shook my head "no I think that's really sweet, I'm sure she'll like you back when you tell he-" I was cut off by a pair of lips meeting mine in a soft and tender kiss which I melted into, for once something was going right. My heart was beating widely as her hands caressed my face but the moment was short lived, Haruhi pulled back just before a certain blonde poked his head into the change room "did you do it Haruhi?" She nodded her head.

I was bewildered by this, she had planned this, guess she really did like me. A few moment later Tamaki started hooting which surprised me greatly and Haruhi just smiled as did I, things were going right for once. She slipped her hand in mine and held it lovingly and I've never been happier .

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