Chapter 16

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"Okay I got a plan." Lily said behind me as we made our way through the woods.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"Well. Mostly we seek into the camp not walk straight into It. Bu-" I stopped walking as we came next to the tree line on the camp.

"But we need to stay quiet." Lily whispered, I smirked and walked out into the camp. No one was around, I looked back to see Lily hiding in the bushes. I started looking around for Claire. I opened a random hut to see beds, weapons, bags, and food. I grabbed a dagger that was by the door. I shut the door and tucked the dagger between my jeans and my hip. I walked over to another hut and listened before I opened it. Soft cries?

"Claire?" I whispered out, the cries stopped and something moved around. I opened the door to see Claire tied to a leg of a bed. I rushed over to her.

"Ivy." She mumbled out, I looked at her and saw her eyes were red and her cheeks were wet.

"What Claire?" I asked her softly, I grabbed the rope and used the dagger against the rope.

"I want to go home. Pan is not nice." Claire whispered, I nodded my head.

"I know Claire." I cut the rope and picked her up off the ground, I tucked the dagger back into place.

"Come on, I'm gonna bring you home." I whispered and opened the hut's door. Me and Claire both walked out. I dragged her over to the wood line when her hand was ripped away from mine. I spun around to see Pan holding her other hand. The lost boys were right behind him.

"Where do you think your going Tink?" He said looking down at Claire. She started to cry a little then tried to get away from pan.

"Let her go Pan! She has seen the monster. She doesn't want to be here anymore." I barked at him. He looked up from Claire at me. There was a hole in the shoulder on green shirt, probably where Hook shot him. Underneath was just plain white, of course he can heal himself.

"I don't care it she wants to leave. She can't leave until I saw so." Pan snarled at me.

"Let's make a deal." I said quickly, a smile spread across his face. He smirked and cocked his head to one side.

"You know I like deals. What is the deal?" Pan asked me, I froze. What was the deal? What can I do? Damn it! I should think before I open my mouth!

"The deal is...... You let Claire go, let her get back to her brother." I said looking straight at him.

"Okay you get what you want? What do I get." He asked me, my stomach tighten and I sighed.

"Me. I'll stay here, I won't try to run, I won't fight back, and I would do anything you say." I sighed out, I looked away from Pan.

"Deal." The words echoed into my head and stuck there. I looked at Pan and he shoved Claire at me.I grabbed her and bent down so I was eye to eye with her.

"What are you doing?" Claire whispered at me.

"Trying to make sure you and Aaron will be safe. Trust me. Tell Aaron and Hook that." I stood open and moved over to the bushes. Lily popped out and stared at me.

"Ivy ar-"

"Take Claire back to the ship. Okay." I said Lily nodded her head and they disappeared into the woods. I turned around so I was facing Pan. He walked over to him.

"Welcome back Red." Pan laughed at me. I frowned and looked away. A hand snaked around my wrist.

"Come on, I have a ton of chores you have to do." Pan said dragging me over to one of the huts.


"We have to do something! Ivy and Claire are gone!" I yelled at Hook. He was sitting there at the table eating a piece of cake.

"Settle down, Ivy can take care of herself." He said taking a bit of his food.

"But Claire can't, she's my sister. I can't lose her." I said smacking my hands on the wooden table. That made my hands sting. The cake jumped a little.

"Ivy won't let anything happen to her and trust me I don't like the idea of her going back to that camp." Hook stated, he growled a bit then took another bit. I crossed my arms and stared at him. How came he be calm?! We have no clue where they went! Maybe Peter has them! He could be holding him hostage for all we know!

"By giving me a glare wouldn't change my mind Aaron." Hook said not even looking up at me, I spun around and walked out of the room.

"I see them!" A crew member yelled out and pointed to the beach. I ran over to the side and looked. Claire was trying to run but the sand kept making her fall..... Who's that with her? I think that's Tiger Lily? They both ran over to the ship and climbed up. I looked back to see Hook standing there frowning. I looked over at Claire and ran over to her.

"Are you okay?" I asked her as I hugged her. She shook her head.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"Pan. He took me and he hit me. He tied to a bed and left. Ivy came and rescued me-"

"Where is she?" I asked Claire, she looked down at the ground. I looked up at Tiger Lily.

"All I heard is that she made a deal with Peter. The deal was to let Claire go, and she'll stay with him." Tiger Lily sighed out.

"What?" I said standing up.

"She said to make sure you and me were safe. And to trust her." Claire said looking away from me. I heard a smirk I turned around to see Hook smiling and shaking his head.

"What is she gonna do?" I asked him, He looked up at me smiling.

"The trust me thing. That's her saying she would be back. She has a plan." He chuckled out. I kept my mouth shut and picked Claire up. I walked her over to the room and placed her inside.

"I wanna go home." Claire mumbled out.

"Don't worry we will."

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