Smiles, Laughs, And Voices

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There's the laugh again, the laugh that stops my heart and saves my life everytime I hear it. "Stop chewing your hair!" There's the voice again, the voice that always tells me how beautiful I am even though I have a boyfriend and he has a girlfriend.

"I thought I said stop, I'm gonna cut all of it off if you don't!" Cedric says, his eyes wide like he was actually thinking how he would cut it all off.

"No! I'll stop! Promise..." I say, knowing that as soon as he left I would start again.

"Hanna, pinky promise me." He held out his pinky, and I wrapped mine around his. He started leaning forward, like he was about to kiss me. Then Michael ran up and scared me out of my daydream.

"Hey babe, you wanna go for lunch?" Michael asks, looking at Cedric like he was evil.

"Sure, just let me go home and clean up first." Michael kisses me and runs away, I turn back around to look at Cedric but he isn't there.

"Cedric!" I yell, running to find him. He stops walking when he hears my footsteps, and I smile at him.

I needed him even if he didn't need me, I needed to hear positive things about me instead of Michael calling me 'hot' or 'sexy'. I needed Cedric more than I needed anythign else.

"I need you. You're my best friend, I need you more then you know. Not that I like you like that, but I need you. Please don't leave me again." Cedric walked up to me and gave me a hug, he kissed me on the cheek and smiled.

"You are so beautiful, and I need you too best friend." Cedric said, smiling. He took my hand and we walked to his car, all I could think about was the almost kiss. It filled my mind for the whole car ride, until we got to my house. 

I gave him a hug, said that I was sorry and said that I'd talk to him later.


"Poop." I said, my face turning bright red.

"What is it Hanna?" Michael asked, I just shook my head. He didn't need to know, and I doubt that he really cared.

Michael left for the bathroom, and I called Cedric feeling my heart jump and feel horrible when he answers.

"Hey Hanna, whats the matter? Aren't you on your lunch date thing?" Cedric asked, his voice sounded worried.

"Nothing, but will you text me? Because, I feel weird for some reason."  I asked, and I smiled when he said yes and I hung up.

Michael wasn't back twenty minutes later, past when are food was done and they were about to close up for dinner. I walked into the hallway for the bathroom, and found Michael kissing a girl at least two years younger than us. I just walked away, somehow knowing that it was coming sooner or later. Maybe that was why he took me to lunch, to break it off with me. All i knew was that I wasn't that upset about the break up at all.

"What happened Hanna?" Cedric asked as soon as I walked through his door.

I had started crying as soon as I got into the car, without realizing and without caring if I looked horrible in front of Cedric.

"He was kissing some girl at the restraunt, it didn't bother me at all. I was fine with it, but I just started crying. I'm fine, I really am." I said, seeing Cedric's face break out in pain for me. He cared more about me than I did.

"Hanna, are you sure that you're okay? You seem really upset." Cedric askedand I smiled at Cedric because he cared so much about me.

"Can I stay here tonight? I don't think I could face my mom." I asked, and Cedric just walked out into his living room. He made me feel so stupid, here I am crying over some stupid boy but Cedric didn't care. He loved me as a best friend no matter how stupid I was.

"They said it was fine, are you hungry?" Cedric asked, I just shook my head. I was too sad to eat. I didn't even understand why I was so upset, he didn't mean that much to me and I certainly didn't mind loosing him. I was just upset, maybe I just needed a friend to help me. Maybe I just needed someone who really loved me for me, not for who they want me to be.

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