The New Beginning

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Things you need to know:
(y/n) Your Name
(f/c) favorite color
(l/n) last name
(f/s) favorite song
(bff/n) best friend name
(h/c) and (h/l) hair color and length

Your POV
"BEEP BEEP BEEP" someone yelled at you. "Wake up (y/n)!!!"
The person said. "I really hate you, (bff/n)." you said back, pulling the covers over your head. (bff/n) pulled the covers off and away like a magician." Today is the first day of school, so get up, or I'm taking your posters of Jean. " She said threatingly. You bolted upright, " You wouldn't dare" You said glaring at her, "Watch me." and she grabbed your figurerine and ran down the stairs. "Get back here!" she ran outside and you followed not noticing you were just wearing underpants and a tank top. "(bff/n) Get your butt back here!" you chased her down the street till you tripped and fell onto the hard asphalt. " Ow.. God dammit." you said to yourself. "Do you need help?" a voice asked from above you.

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