Chapter 1: Back In Time

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***Note: I wrote this about two years ago. I figured, why not post it here? It is also on a website called and, as well, I believe. Please comment!!

Harry awoke mid-day with his heart in his throat. He could not recall if the battle had all been a dream, or if it had really happened. He wanted to believe he really had dreamt it all- but his growing headache told him he hadn't. The images of Fred, Remus, Dora, and poor Colin Creevy's bodies loomed over his heart like a four hundred pound weight. As he stood and put on his glasses, he realized that he had fallen asleep fully clothed. He looked over to Ron's bed; it was empty. He left the dormitory, and went straight to the Common Room. On the couch, Ron sat upright with Hermione's head in his lap, lightly stroking her hair as she slept. It was apparent that they had snuck down after Harry had fallen asleep, and that Ron had been in this position for hours. Catching sight of Harry, Ron motioned for him to sit down. All was quiet.

"How did you sleep?" he finally asked, in a cracked voice. He seemed to have had been deep in thought awhile.

"Like a baby," Harry emphasized the sarcasm. "You?"

"I didn't. She did though," he motioned to Hermione, "Poor thing. She was exhausted. I couldn't sleep. My mind wouldn't shut down long enough. How are you holding up?"

"Okay- considering," he quickly added, seeing Ron's bewildered look. "Do you want to go down to the Great Hall? Is everyone still down there?"

"Yeah, they never came up. Hermione?" he said quietly. "Hermione?"

She stirred.

"Morning," Harry and Ron said in unison.

"Morning. Harry!" she shouted, sitting up hurriedly. "We didn't, I mean, we, a-a-I, we just wa-wanted- t-t-to talk."

"It's okay, I don't mind. Ron- lets go down and see how everyone's doing. Then I need to go and see Andromeda."

"Andromeda who?" Ron asked. "And why?"

"Tonks! Dora and Remus are dead," he croaked. His heart was back in his throat. "Someone needs to tell her. I should have gone before I went to sleep. Teddy's all she's got now." His eyes burned as he fought to keep back the tears; tears of anger, sadness, and pity for that little boy, that newborn boy who would never know his parents. Just as Harry hadn't. He imagined the talks they could have, the advice he could give- for he, Harry, knew what it was like. Knew what it was like to feel alone in the world, to have lost your parents because of you- or to feel it.

"Harry..." Hermione trailed off.

Ron continued, "There's nothing you could have done to- prevent it. All you can do is be a-"

"-Better godfather? One better than mine? Yeah, well, I don't think it's possible."

"I was going to say be a good godfather. I know you think you'll never be able to live up to Sirius, but you can be the best you can be."

"Harry, I know you've heard it a million times, but, well..." Hermione chipped in.

"We're with ya' mate. No matter what happens," Ron finished.

"We love you Harry-"

"Yeah, mate. You're like a brother to -"

"-To both of us. We've been together for seven years- we're not leaving now."

Harry took one look at them, then embraced them both, the tears seeping out of his eyes.

"I don't know what I would do without you two," he said.

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