Chapter 2: When One Door Closes

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Chpt. 2: When One Door Closes

"Is this it?" Ron asked.

"Yeah," Harry whispered.

"Are you okay, Harry?" Ginny asked.

"No. But there's nothing to do to make me any better, so let's get this over with."

She gripped his arm tightly. "Don't worry. It'll all turn out fine," she told him.

He turned away from them. He couldn't let them see him crying again so he started up the pebble walkway towards the door. Ginny, Ron, and Hermione followed. Harry walked up the steps, went to the door and hesitated.

"Go ahead Harry. It'll be harder to do the longer you wait," said Hermione.

"Sure, but it's still not easy even if you don't wait," he replied.

He grasped the brass knocker and knocked three times. Inhaling deeply, he wondered if she would even come to the door. He saw a deep brown eye through the peephole, and then he hears a small voice ask-

"Harry Potter?"

"Yeah, Mrs. Tonks, it's me," he said.

"And the other's?"

"Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Ginny Weasley."

"Okay, come in," she said.

The large wooden door opened, and there stood Andromeda Tonks- holding a small baby boy with a patch of purple hair. She looked worry-stricken, and on the verge of tears.

"Harry..." she said. "Please don't tell me, please, please..." she stammered. "What am I saying? Of course it's not... of course not. Would you all like to come in? It's not safe to stand on doorsteps for long periods of time nowadays."

"Yes, thank you Mrs. Tonks," Hermione said, pushing Harry two steps forward.

The four of them followed her into the sitting room-it did not appear as if she had changed it much. The same two tables and aspidistra were all still there, the only thing that seemed missing was Ted.

"Sit down, sit down- make yourselves at home. Would you all like some tea?"

She walked away. Harry sat down on the sofa, where Ginny joined him. Ron and Hermione sat down opposite them.

"I just put some on- thought Remus and Dora would be getting here soon," said Andromeda as she came back into the room, supporting a floating tray with a teapot and cups with her wand. "And I assume that's why you're here?" she asked.

"Yes. Mrs. Tonks, you might want to sit down," said Hermione.

Andromeda's eyes filled with tears as she sat. It was pretty obvious why they had come, and she knew it- she might deny it- but she knew. But even if she did know- how was he to tell her?

"Mrs. Tonks-"

"Andromeda to you."

"Uh- sure. Thanks. Andromeda- Remus and Dora- they're, well-"

"They're gone, 'Dromeda," Ginny finished.

"Well, I can't say I'm surprised. Last night, I got a feeling- just a feeling that part of me was gone- forever gone. I can't explain it, but it happened. I guess that's why," said Andromeda.

"Don't feel bad; they fought for you, everyone, for Ted-" Harry started.

"Would you like to hold him?"

"Ho- hold him? Hold Teddy? Me? Oh, I don't know about-"

"Nonsense. Remus and Dora made you his Godfather didn't they? Why shouldn't you hold your Godson?" she asked.

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