Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire

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  "No," Jack's muffled cries were drown out by the menacing laugh. "No!" He tried again, but the louder he screamed the quieter his voice sounded.

  A heavy, unshakable feeling washed over his limbs, and suddenly Jack found himself collapsing. His entire body felt like lead; he could barely even lift his gaze.

  "Pitch..." He growled and the shadows became insanely silent as his mind slipped into oblivion.


  The air around him was warm.

  Far too warm.

  Jack didn't quite know where he was or what was going on, but as he slowly began to regain his senses, he mentally frowned at such an odd feeling. He couldn't feel his limbs, or even his own breathing; his mind felt entirely disconnected from his body. He could faintly make out the muffled sounds of someone calling his name.

  Jack. Jack?  But he could not open his eyes to discover who it was; his eyelids were like steel. After a moment, a sudden wash of feeling flooded into his being and his body felt tingly as if his blood circulation had just been returned. Jack's ears slowly adjusted, becoming more clear and the voice slowly became somewhat recognizable. It was a deep, somewhat scruffy voice that was doused by a thick Russian accent.

  "Jack, wake up!" An inexplicable groan escaped from Jack's throat unwillingly. It took a monumental amount of effort, but he cracked his eyes open slightly.

  "You can't just fall asleep in the middle of conversation, Jack." The teen peeked up at the larger man, his tattooed arms crossed against his chest. 

  "W-what?" Jack slurred, his tongue feeling thick and heavy in his mouth. "I'm not...I'm not..." He trailed off, deciding that it was too much work to complete the thought as he re-closed his eyes, his head resting on his crossed arms which resided on North's desk. A small ice, steam train zoomed speedily passed his face on it's track, but Jack didn't even flinch.

How did he even get here again?

  "Ack," North groaned and grabbed Jack by the hood and pulled him to his feet. 

  "H-Hey!" Jack shouted, completely awaken from his nap as he pulled his hands up to his neck.

"What's got you so tired, hmm? I thought you didn't need sleep?" North set him down and looked at him with a questioning gaze. Jack frowned up at him, also slightly curious himself.

  "I don't need it," He confirmed weakly, looking down as he did so. "And I have no idea what's wrong with me. But my dreams..." Jack trailed off again, his mind going back to the strange, hyper-realistic visions that he had while snoozing. A dream inside of a dream and yet...

  It felt so real...I just--

  "Your dreams?" North asked, snapping Jack out of his mind.

  "I'm sure it's nothing," He sighed meekly. "I've probably just been overwhelming myself?" He said with obvious uncertainty in his voice. North frowned at him but didn't say anything. "I-I'm gonna go now," Jack took a deep breath and wiped his forehead.  Frosty residue came off on his fingers; it was a sure sign that his body was trying to sweat. It was far too warm in North's workshop for him, even despite the fact that it was built into ice. "Sorry about, uh, falling asleep," Jack grabbed his staff, which was leaning against the wall, and lowered it to his side. "I'll see you later, North." 

  "Later, Jack." And before the other had even finished saying his name, Jack bolted to the nearest window, ripped it open, and leaped into the frosty, arctic air. 

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