The Next Day

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"I thought Reynie told me that you two broke up." Superman tells me through the phone.

"We did or kinda, I don't really know." I admit.

"So why are you calling me, Sixx?" He almost demands.

"I still love your little sister, I love her with all my heart and I miss her." I start. "I'm worried about her."

"What's going? Is Holy Terror okay?" Superman asks in a worried big brother tone.

"In the time that we've been separated someone took advantage of her and uh, she's hooked on cocaine." I explain. "I'm really worried about her."

"So you're not even together and you're worrying about my baby sister?" He asks.

"Yeah." I admit.

"You really love her, huh?" Superman asks.

"I love her more than anything and I don't want to lose her, she's not listening to me and I'm hoping that she'll listen to you." I explain.

"Yeah, I'm one the next flight down." He promises me. "Thank you for caring about Reynie, we've all been pretty worried about her since Ray dead. She likes to lock up her feelings and it's going to kill her one day."

I smile and looks down at my feet. I'm never been thanked by an older brother for caring about his little sister. I've been told by older brothers to stay the fuck away from their younger sisters. I've also had the shit kicked out of me by older brothers' who's younger sister I was dating. This is kinda weird.

"I can't not care about her, I'm in love with her even if she hates me right now." I admit.

I am always going to care about Reyna because I'm always going to be in love with her. I'm always going to want to be with her and I'm always going to want to listen to her  mumble in Italian in her sleep. I'm always going to need the taste of her beautiful red lips. I just love her more than anything and I miss her.


I was caught off guard when Nikki called me telling about Reyna. I knew that I had to fly out right away.

Reynie and Ray are too much and they always have been, I mean it makes sense because of the twin thing but it's not always the best thing. Both twins have extremely addictive, all or nothing, go big or go home personalities. They have never half assed anything in their lives. If one of them were doing narcotics they wouldn't be half assing that at all, they'd be doing a lot of drugs.

I couldn't tell you why Ray started but I can guess why Reyna started, with our family of boxing Italians emotions were both pushed aside yet encouraged and that's enough to confuse anyone. With Reyna not knowing how to deal with her emotions properly and the depression that came when Ray died she needed an escape route and alcohol wasn't cutting it any more.

Either way, I'm on a flight to Los Angeles to talk some sense into my youngest sister. I just hope it doesn't get out to the rest of our family.


I had to talk to Nikki after the events of last night, we screamed at each other in the girls bathroom then I left. We've got to figure out something because as much as I love blow, I love Nikki more.

Grace was out with CC and I had enough cocaine in my system to hold me over until at least early tomorrow morning. I figured that everything would go okay and Nikki and I would be able to have a civil conversation.

I was sitting on the couch watching reruns of The A-Team when the door opened. I look back to see Nikki walking into the living room. He sits down beside me and his beautiful eyes lock on mine. I don't know what to say to him but I missed him so much. I'm so in love with him it physically pains me.

We study each other for a few minutes without talking, it's like neither of us actually know what to say here. This is going to be a fucking fantastic conversation if neither us of can talk.

We find ourselves leaning towards each other and our lips touch gently. I scoot my whole body closer to him and I start to slowly kiss him back. Nikki's hand comes up and places itself in my hair while I move my fingertips to his jawline. His tongue slips into my mouth and roams around before it starts to clash with my tongue.

Cocaine is pretty fucking addictive, I was hooked after trying it once. Blow is extremely addictive but it's not nearly as addictive as Nikki. I crave him more than I've ever craved blow. I need him more than anything, I just need him, Nikki is all I need.

He pulls back after a long while and Nikki studies me while we catch our breath. His other hand comes up and moves hair away from my eyes.

"I love you." I whisper and he smiles.

"I'm sorry about what happened at the tattoo shop. I'm sorry about us fighting in the bathroom." He starts in a whisper. "I'm not in a position to lecture you on drug use but, baby, I love you more than anything on this planet and I don't want you to get mixed up with this stuff." A small smile shapes his lips before he kisses me again softly. "I am so sorry about the blonde broad."

"I forgive you." I say quietly and kiss his lips. "I'm going to try to slow down on the blow too." I admit and he grins. "The withdrawal is going to suck." I mutter.

"Does this mean I get to meet Peggy?" He asks with a laugh.

"Peggy is horrible, I hope you don't have to meet her but you probably will." I explain and he kisses me again.

"I have to apologize for one more thing but you can't be mad." Nikki says and an uneasy feeling washes over me.

"What?" I ask worriedly.

"Remember that I love you very much." He continues.

"What did you do, Nikki?" I ask and he takes a deep breath.

"Superman is on his way here to talk to you." Nikki says quickly. "You were really worrying me and you weren't listening to me so I figured that you'd listen to Superman."

"Oh fuck." I mutter.

I understand why Nikki did this but this isn't going to end well for any of us. Fuck my life.

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