The Girl With Knives

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Ok guys first fan fiction. Please tell me what you think.

I wake up with a bitter taste in my mouth. I sit up my feet dangling just above the ground. The taste just keeps getting worse and worse. I stand up and then I was in the woods. There was someone calling my name. I turn around and then I was in a dessert. There was someone running toward me, an axe in hand. She had a scratch across her face and her ear was missing. She was screaming, she pulls back her ax and I wake up.

Sweat rolling down my face. That is the third dream I had about being in the Hunger Games. I look at the clock, 7:00 I need to go.

Every morning I sneak out to the pond, by the fence. We sit there, me and Gander. Today we will talk about how unfair the whole Hunger Games thing is the at 12:00 we go home and get ready. Then, at 2:00 we go to the Justice Hall, for the reaping. Reaping. Death. Victor. They all go together. There are two tributes that are reaped from a bowl of names. A boy and girl. They go to the capitol get treated like a pig before the slaughtering and then put them in a huge arena. Every year the arena is different from the last. Last year it was a dessert, nothing but dessert. It lasted for probably 3 days.

I slip into a purple shirt with a V neck and some black pants and some boots and walk out my bedroom to find my sister there waiting for me. She gets a very sly smile on her face, "where are you going? It seems kinda early," she walks up to me and looks me straight in the eyes, which was probably very hard considering that she is about 2 inches shorter than me. Her long red hair in knots. She has my mother's hair, I have my father's, blonde and straight. I always pull it back into a ponytail. "Why do you care?" I ask going around her, "I'm just going to get some fresh air," she rolls her eyes and walks into her bedroom.

The water is cool, but feels good against me skin. Summers in District 7, are warm and humid so some water even on your fingers makes a difference. When Gander comes I realize that I forgot to get him something for the Hunger Games. We always got eachother something. He was holding something behind his back. A necklace. It was a necklace with my name on it. And then he handed me some posies. "Some posies for my Posy," he does that every year but it is still sweet.

Ok guys this is just a rough draft! Tell me what you think, write more, what you want to happen, don't do this ever again? TELL ME!!





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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2013 ⏰

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