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As I'm still looking around for Kylie i finally found her she was sitting down trying in a pair of black wedges. I could still hear that bells from the door ringing which means people were still coming in

"Excuse me ma'am do you mind locking this door" I heard a man say I still didn't turn around I was still watching Kylie.

"Yeah sure I'm Carla im the owner of the store may I ask why" I turned to see her grab her keys an lock the door.

"Carla I'm Paul an we just need a place to keep the boys safe till they get the fans an stuff cleared" he said I don't think they noticed me watching

An I turned around back to Kylie she was already standing with the box of shoes an watching also.

"What's going on" she whispered

"I don't know something about keeping boys safe till the fans clear" I repeat

"Well I'm hungry I hope this won't be long "she says as she starts walk an I followed

As were walking back up to the front she stopped in her tracks cause long me to bump into her.

"What the hell " I whispered yelled

"Lissa look those are the guys we were talking about in the car" she said

"haha very funny" I said Turing around an seeing like 8 pair of eyes on us. I turned back around quickly.

"Okay I feel like I just died" I laughed low only for Kylie to hear

" we should totally go talk to them" She said a little to happy

"We're the only people in the store an there a lot of fans out there so why not" I rolled my eyes giving in

She walks up to them but I don't I decide to talk to the big guy in black.

" uh hi I over heard you say that we would be in this store till there fans clear out an exactly how long would that be" I asked looking back an forth from the floor to him

"Uhh about 4 to 5 hours ma'am cause the fans tend to pile up very quickly "he said giving a small grin an walked away

"you gotta be shitting me " I said a little to loud an I felt eyes on me an turned a round I see Kylie talking to
The one who I'm not mistaken is Harry. An the rest is looking at me I slowly walked over

"uh hi excuse me can I borrow her for a second" I asked grabbing Kylie's arm

"oh my god what I said in the car scratch that I would pick Harry he looks like a walking Goddess" she said an I laughed

"Well I talked to that big buff guy an he said that we would be here for some hours " I said frowning cause I hate being in one place for so long with out food.

She nodded an with that I grabbed her arm again an walked her back to to Harry. "Here you go she's all yours again" I said an he smiled an I smiled back.

"An what's your name" he said giving me a smile showing all his teeth along with his very cute dimples.

"I'm Elissa" I say extending my arm out but he gave me a hug instead.

"Well I'm gonna go sit down so I talk to you two later" as I was begging to walk away I hear loud banging an screaming against the doors an Windows. I turn around to see the store was surrounded with thousands of screaming girls.

I started to get this heat feeling I was starting to feel uneasy this was to much an the noise was ringing in my ears as the screaming seemed to get louder my breathing picked up. I looked around to find Kylie an I was starting to feel dizzy an my breathing got heavier my sight was going blurry but I was still stumbling around the huge store

"Kylie" I managed to scream before I fell to my knees with my hands on the ground in front of me trying to catch some type of air but I wasn't working. I think Kylie heard me cause she was calling my name but I couldn't reply.

"OH MY GOSH" I managed to hear her say before I saw all black


I heard Elissa call my name but it was a light call I excused myself from the boys to go find her. The screaming an stuff outside is really intense then it hit me how bad Elissa can get when she's around all this. I picked up my pace around the store starting to do a light jog.

When almost tripped I turned around to see her lying on the floor she was looking at me then her eyes slowly coming to a close right after her chest falling heavy she's breath very fast.

"Oh my gosh " I screamed an her eyes close completely I sat on the floor an picked up her head an lay it on my lap.

"BOYS SOMEBODY COME HERE" I scream trying to get her help I felt the tears starting to form so I blinked them away she's still laying her breathing hard. I slowly start to rub her cheek. Only to remember this hasn't happened since eleventh grade but this time it looks like it got worse an her mother wasn't around to help.

"What's going on" Louis said an I turned to him nearly going to cry

"She's.. She's having anxiety attacks" I say still hold her like my life depended on it. I then heard more voices an foot steps so I turned around again to see all the boys.

"How would her family or you stop this"Louis asked an I kept my eyes on my poor bestfriend.

"We need someone who speaks Spanish" I said

" what why , what for" Harry asked

" cause her mother is the only one who know how to stop this by singing her favorite song to her in Spanish an I don't speak Spanish" I said starting to cry her breathing was still out of control

"I do" Niall said this is his second time talking to me since we've been here
"What's the song I'll sing it to her" he said taking of his jacket an balling it up for me to place under her head an I do so.

"Uh the song is called forbidden love by Selena it's Elissa's favorite song " I say giving him a weak smile he gets on his knees next to her an takes both of her hands in his an begin to sing.

"Aunque soy pobre todo esto que te doy
Vale más que el dinero porque sí es amor
Y cuando al fin estemos juntos, los dos
Qué importa qué dirán, también la sociedad
Aquí sólo importa nuestro amor, te quiero
Amor prohibido murmuran por las calles
Porque somos de distintas sociedades
Amor prohibido nos dice todo el mundo
El dinero no importa en ti y en mí, ni en el corazón
Oh, oh baby"

When Niall finished singing the song I could see that's Elissa physically calmed down an she started to breath slow. Which let me give out a sigh of relief .

But I seemed like Niall was feeling somthing I can't quite put my finger on it but the way he was singing an looking at her made me think. When he saw her calm down he smiled to which made me think more or could I be over thinking!?

Shitty chapter Ik. But don't kill me an the picture at the top is the lyrics in English there won't be a lot of Spanish in this book just little tiny parts okay let me shut up 😊I am going to re read to fix typos so just over look them please❤️


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