January 1.

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First day of of my second semester at my new school , how great. It's been 4 months since the tragedy. Since my family died, since I was left with my no good of a dad and his horrible family that treats me like shit. Since my life came crashing down. I keep reminiscing the days where I was happy and full of life, when my family was still alive. Does days that I took for granted, when we got ready and went to church and after to get something to eat and later get ice cream at these cute ice cream place close to my home, my mom annoyed at my decision to get pistachio icecream as I do every Sunday. "There are other choices to choose from luna!". But what can I say I love pistachio icecream. I haven't had a scoop of it ever since the accident. Or does long car rides that I found oh so annoying with my sibling bothering me none stop. All does moments, gone. No more getting ice cream on Sunday's with my family, no more getting bothered by my siblings. All of that gone.
Now I am left with my dad, my no good of a dad that walked out of our lives as he choosed to be with another women and her children instead of being with us, his real family, his real wife, his real children. When the accident happened my first instinct was to move in with my grandma in Washington, but she's in a retirement home now living the life with a jacuzzi and bingo Tuesday's. She was heartbroken as I was when she found out about my family. I had no other choice but to move in with my dad and his new family. I knew I wasn't wanted there, and if it wasn't because my dad would get child support from the government for me, he would've rather send me to a group home. His new family changed him. My dad would of never let a single grey hair out of his head now his head is full of it making look older than he actually was. He was only 36 years of age and he looks like he is in his mid 50s. He loved staying fit and would make me go for a run with him every evening when the sun started to go down, now he has a beer belly. He used to love me, woke me up every Saturday morning to tell me he made my favorite chocolate chip pancakes and turkey bacon. When he left everything was different, it's like he didn't want to be around me or my siblings like he was forced to see us when he took us out. When I moved in he treated me harshly because that's how his new family wanted him to treat me. For what reason? I had no clue.

I made my way to the bathroom and looked at my self in the mirror. This isn't me, it looks like me, sort off, but it isn't me. I used to have long black wavy hair that reached right below my belly button, after the accident I cut it short, into a guy cut. It looked great on me, not going to lie but it wasn't me, which is what I needed. I had eye bags the size of Jupiter as I didn't really get much sleep without remembering the accident. I washed my face and put on my regular makeup; foundation to try and cover my freckles, extra concealer, setting powder, and a soft brown shadow on my eyelids followed by mascara, lastly I put Chapstick I didn't really need lipstick as my lips were naturally Rosie.
I made my way to my room trying not to make eye contact with any of my step siblings. I locked the door and made my way to my closet. I took out a pair of black jeggings and a grey sweater followed by my UGGs. I brushed my hair quickly as short waves bounced around and make my way downstairs. Everyone was already half way done with their breakfasts, and as usual there was no more food left, what a surprise. I made myself a cup of coffee and a toast and brought them up to my room. I packed my stuff, finished my coffee and toast and brushed my teeth. I headed downstairs and got my car keys and headed out. When my grandma was moved to the retirement home she gave me her old beat up car. It was red and had a lot of fixing to be done, she paid for some of the fixing but I had to pay the rest with the money I made during the summer. Even after all the repairs it still sucked but it took me to school and work fine which is what mattered. I made my way to school.
The day was gloomy and I could smell the rain coming in. I parked and made my way inside the school, headed to my locker. As I opened it A piece of paper fell down
Meet me in the theater room - Sam
I sight as I put my stuff away and headed over there. When I moved to my new school it was just like a movie, my stepsister named Sandy was the head cheerleader and made it harder for me, and my stepbrother Mike, was the captain of the hockey team, just great. I was the weird girl that had lost her family. In my old school I was captain of the soccer team and swim team, I had great friends, my life was perfect. Here, not at all. I had one friend who's name was Ashley, she was great the only person who actually gave me a chance, she's a great girl. And then there's Sam I met him a couple of weeks after I started school at a party, a party I did not want to go to but was dragged to by ash. Long story short I was in a bad place and we hooked up, and hooked up after that and after and so on. I didn't want anything serious, to be honest he is a great guy but I just don't think he's the guy for me, not like tony. Sam knew these but it didn't phase him. So we hooked up when ever we wanted to, no strings attached. I opened the door to the theater room and found him sitting there.
He looked up and smirked at me. I gave him a weak smile in return.
"Hey beautiful" he said
"Hey you"
It was quiet after, not like we've ever had a decent conversation from the start since our lips are always locked together. That's basically my fault, I'm the one that doesn't want anything serious or get too close to someone. He understood, if it wasn't because of me he probably would've wanted us being together already, holding hands in public and all.
"You look good today" he continues
"I look like these everyday"
"You look good all the time"
I smiled. "That's enough talking" I grabbed him started making out with him.
Something good does come out of these. Sam is a Daim good kisser, and he's not bad on the eyes as well. He's taller than me, about 6 feet, brown hair and hazel eyes. He was a looker alright, all the girls wanted him and he could have any girl he wants. We've had these conversation before, I don't want to stop him from being someone who can actually make him happy. He said when the time is right, he'll let me know, so far he hasn't left. It's a bittersweet feeling.
The bell rang and I pulled away from the kiss, picking my stuff up and fixing my clothes and hair. I started walking away when Sam grabbed my hand, locking it to his.
"What are you doing?" I asked retrieving my hand.
"Sorry, I forgot" he said shoving his hand in his pocket.
"Sam you know-"
"I know don't worry about it" he smiled and gave me a gentle kiss before heading out the door.
I made my way to homeroom and sat down on my seat.
"Hey girl" Ashley said as she made her way to her seat next to mine. I smiled at her in return.
My teacher came in and started calling attendance.
"Sandy? Sandy Anderson!" My teacher called out.
"Luna do you know where is your sister?"
Ugh I hated that. WE ARE NOT SISTERS!!! I wanted to scream out, but I just shrugged in return.
At that moment she walked in.
"Sorry I'm late teacher I was showing the new kid around school" she said. I rolled my eyes at her and looked down at my book.
"Ah yes mr. Kogan" he said, "and we're is he?"
"Right here sir" the new kid said walking in the door.
That voice, why did it sound so familiar. My eyes widen and shot my head up to see him. It's him, it was him!! He smiled at everyone and glanced over me and snapped his head back towards me, his eyes wide as well.
Shit. Shit shit shit

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