Loving A Killer

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Galaxy, a 17 year old was laying in her bed when she heard her mom scream. Please hunny, no don't come down mom said. No mom I have to. Her mother had a knife in her chest. Mom... I'm calling 911. Who did this Galaxy asked. Well, I was washing the dishes when I... I... um. Her mom started drifting off. 911 please hurry someone stabbed my mother Galaxy said panicing. That's all Galaxy could remember before policeman dragged her out saying it was to dangerous. Please god don't let this happen to me, she's all I have left Galaxy prayed in the emergency room. Galaxy's father had recently been murdured by an attack when he went on a buissness trip. Knowone knew who did it. She didn't want her mom to go to... 3 hours earlier- Galaxy greeted her mom when she came in from school. Hey mom I'm going to do some homework in my room. Mhhm okay hunny. When Galaxy was up in her room her mom started washing dishes. A tall man slipped through the open window and stayed in a shadow in the back of the kitchen. Hello... is anyone there? mom asked. Why yes, there is indeed, a voice said. He then stepped out of the shadow. Oh my I'm sorry sir, this is the wrong house are you lost, I can probably tell you the address of where you need to be she said. Oh no ma'am I'm in the right house he said in a raspy voice. She then turned the water off and grabbed a butcher knife. Sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Why I cant, but I have to ask you to leave the man said. He then got the knife out of her hand and stabbed in the chest with it. He tried to get her to stop screaming but he couldnt. When he heard someone come downstairs he jumped out of the window and ran off. Chapter 2- Galaxy could only hear beeps and see big machines hooked up to her mother. Why did this have to happen to me. Galaxy started crying in her hands. Why don't cry pretty lady she heard a voice say. She turned around and saw a tall man with shoulder length brown hair. He was wearing a sweatshirt  with black dress pants.  He was wearing regular black and white tennis shoes. Wha... who, who are you. Well I'm Jeff he said. How did you get in here. It's a secret. He started pulling his knife out and held it to her throat. She screamed and he darted. Dr's came running in. What happened one said. A man was just here, he tried to kill me... it might have been the same one who tried to kill my mom she said. Okay miss we will keep a lookout, but for now I think it would be best if you went home a dr said. But knowone will be there she said. Do you have a father the dr said. No he was killed. Do you have a friend who could stay with you. Um... I guess I can call someone. Thank you for coming you can come back tomorrow if you like the dr said. Don't worry I will she said. She left the hospital, all she could think about was her mom and that man. She drove home and called one of her friends to stay with her. About half an hour later her best friend Morgan showed up. They both cried, hugged, told secrects, watched movies, ate popcorn, and did eachothers makeup. Thank you for coming you really cleared my mind about things Galaxy said. Don't worry I would do anything for you, now its's getting late let's go to bed said Morgan. Morgan slept on the couch and Galaxy slept on the recliner. Chapter 3- Galaxy and Morgan went to school the next morning. Are you coming over after school again Galaxy asked. I can't my sister's birthday party is today Morgan said. Oh okay I understand said Galaxy. When she got home she watched a couple movies. The she went to visit her mom again. She still wasn't talking. Oh mom one day will you talk me to me. Of course I will hunny. MOM DID YOU JUST TALK! Yes hunny. Galaxy quickly jumped up and hugged her mother. HEY SHE'S AWAKE Galaxy yelled. Dr's quickly came in. It's a miracle one of the doctors said. Ma'am we need to run some tests so please leave the doctor said. What, again... NO she yelled. I'm staying with my mom. Ma'am please stop shouting he said. Nurses pushed Galaxy out of the room. She stormed home and screamed in a pillow on the couch. Wow, your even hotter when your mad. Galaxy knew that voice. How are you here she said. Well I've been watching you he said. What do you mean I'm hot she said.  Your cute, well I should say beautiful he said. He kissed her on the cheek. Get off me she yelled. Why he asked. Because I don't know you, I don't like you, YOU TRIED TO KILL MY MOM she said. Well how do you know I did it. Because I just know okay. She stood up and put on her coat and shoes. Where do you think your going he said. Knowhere you need to be she said... oh and you better be gone when I come back. I probably will be... NOT. She was about to go out of the house when he grabbed her by the arm. Hey, you can't go anywhere. He picked her up and covered her mouth. She was trying to scream but she couldn't. Here you go baby, just take a nap he whispered. Chapter 4- She woke up in a dark room. It looked liked a basement. She tried to move but her mouth had a cloth in it and she was tied down on a table. She heard footsteps come down the stairs. Good your awake he said. It was Jeff, the man who tried to kill her mom. He bent down and kissed her forehead. She struggled but it was useless. Aw what's wrong am I bothering you he said in a sexy voice. She tried her best to shake her head yes. Do you want this cloth off your mouth he asked. She shook her head yes the best as she could. He then took the cloth off. Let me go you sichopath she screamed. He just shrugged. Maybe I will... if you promise to love me like I love you. She froze, she didn't say anything. How much do you love me she asked surprised. Lots and lots and lots he said. You don't even know me she said. Well I've been keeping an eye on you ever since you moved in. Fine she said. He unbuckled her. Kiss me he said. Um I'm sorry I can't. What did you tell me you would do. Fine. She started kissing him, coressing him. He smelled and felt so good. He put his hands on her butt and she put her hands on his chest. When it was done she ran back home. The next day he came back. His shirt was all bloody. She ran over to him. Please tell me about yourself I want to know you better. What do you want to know. Why you look like this, why do you kill just please tell me. Chapter 5- Jeffs pov- When I was young I moved to a new town. It was me, my brother Lou, my mom, and my dad. One day these teens came and told me to give them my money. They threatned to fight me but luckily my brother was with me. I don't know exactly what he said but he got them to go away. A few days later the neighbors had a party for their son. I didn't know any of them but my parents wanted me to make some friends. She dropped me off at the party, over all we had a good time I guess. But then those teens came back. They brought vodka and matches. The dumped the vodka all over me and then lit me on fire. All I could see was red, orange, and hints of blue. When I woke up I was in the hospital, bandages on my face. The doctors said I had been out for a month. When they took the bandages off my skin it was ghost white, like this. You would guess I probably hated it but I didn't. I loved it! It matched what I was feeling. But it was missing something. I carved a smile in my face and cut off my eyelids. Then I knew I was perfect. I went to show my mom and she told me that she was gonna tell my dad to come see my beautiful face. I overheard my mom telling my dad I was crazy. She also said to get the gun. I ran in the room with a knife and killed her. I also killed my dad by tearing his eyes out. I went in my brothers room, he was fast asleep. I woke him up and when he saw me his eyes were practicly coming out of his head. He was terrified. He couldn't stand the look of me so I cut his mouth into a smile and carved stuff in his chest.  I then grabbed my sweatshirt and put dresspants on. I went and killed the boys who set me on fire and that's that. Chapter 6- Woah she said. Well that explains why your so pretty she said. All of the sudden she started to fall in love with Jeff. Jeff, I think I'm in love with you Galaxy said. Finally Jeff said.

Galaxy couldn't help it she kissed him as hard as she could with fire, with passion. Jeff licked the bottom of her lip. Take your shirt off she whispered. That's what Jeff did. He took off Galaxy's shirt revealing her sea blue bra with hearts on it. Jeff kissed her neck then the top of her breast. That's as far as they went. They both decided it would be better to wait. Since were finally dating do you want to meet everyone Jeff asked. Who's everyone Galaxy asked. You'll see. Jeff then took her to his house. When she walked in she saw to people on a couch. One looked like Link from Zelda. The other one had a blue face with no eyes. A little girl came running down the stairs. She had big bright green eyes and skin as pale as Jeff's. A very very tall man in a suit with no face also came down. Then a dog came down, he was kind of weird because the dog had a smile. Everyone this is Galaxy, you can call her lexy for short Jeff announced. Hi she said shyly. The little girl ran next to Lexy.

Hi she said all bright and happy. Hi there lexy said. Everyone please say your name Jeff said annoyed. I'm Ben that's eyeless jack the tall one is slenderman slendy for short, the little one is sally and the dog is smile. He sat back down and continued to play the xbox. Before they left Slendy shook his head and walked upstairs. I think I should go she whispered in Jeff's ear. Okay fine. Were leaving thank you for wasting our time Jeff said. They walked back to Galaxy's house. I'm sorry that didn't quite work out he said. It's fine lexy said. It's getting late go to sleep he said. Okay goodnight. Chapter 7- Tomorrow was Galaxy's last day of school then the next day was her 18th birthday. She woke up the next morning. You shouldn't have to go to school since it's your birthday Jeff said. I don't get to decide that my mom does. Can't you ask her. Fine you little baby. Her mom was back since she was now okay. She was about to ask her mom to stay but then Galaxy's heart dropped. Her mom was laying on the floor cut open. She screamed then Jeff came running down. Wtf Jeff you killed my mom she yelled. I didn't I swear, but I think I know who did. Who. Slenderman. They quickly ran to Jeffs house. Where the fuck is Slendy Jeff roared. In his room, why ben asked. Jeff didn't answer his question, he bursted into Slendy's room. Why the fuck did you kill Lexy's mom. You were dating a human and she needed to learn not to mess with killers. I love her and you destroyed her mother. Well you can leave her now and if you don't she goes next. How bout you go next Jeff screamed and threw a knife at Slendy's ankle. He yanked the knife out. Now you've overdone it Jeff Slendy yelled. All of the sudden a fight went down.- to see what happens next plz read my next story, I don't know when I'll have it done just please read it when I have it done. Thanks

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2013 ⏰

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