Chapter Six

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I had only been in my bed for an hour, unable to sleep, before I realised the sun was coming up. I was so so tired, yet I couldn't sleep.

I turned my head, only then realising that there was another girl in the room- Madison. How was it possible for her to look good, even when she was asleep? How on earth was that fair?

Her alarm rang with a deafening siren call, and she woke almost immediately to switch it off. If that had been me, it would have taken me an hour before I got up.

"Morning..." She got up and stretched, before dropping down on the floor to do some sit ups. Really? She did it as though she had been awake all night, looking fresh and pampered, with a weird kind of smile on her face.

"Morning" I mumbled back to her, slightly embarrassed to watch her whilst I sat in bed. It was like a behind the scenes look into the morning of a popular girl. Clearly the flat stomach wasn't god's gift, just a bit of work. And non-lazyness.

"so, um, I'm gonna finish up with my work out, then have a shower, grab some breakfast and then I'll need the room to myself till around, oh I don't know...three". She smiled at me, flicked her hair out of her face and then jumped up to do some leg workouts.

"As in, you want me to get out?" I pushed the covers off of me, giving up with the sleep idea.

"Uh-huh...I need to prepare" She looked at me through her legs, touching her toes the way I had never been able to.

"Prepare for what?"

"For the party...Obvi!" Right, I had forgotten all about that. An evening surrounded by the elite, socialising, networking, flirting and bitching. Just my kind of evening...

"Well, okay, I'll see you at three..." I jumped out of bed, in the same clothes as yesterday and smiled at her, but she seemed to have forgotten all about my existence.

I left the room and made my way down to the lobby, walking straight to the breakfast bar. I was in serious need of eggs and bacon...and maybe a smidgeon of cake...and coffee. God I was dying for coffee!

"top o' the mornin' to ya'!" Callum jumped out at me, almost scaring me to death. He too was in the same clothes as yesterday. Crap. This was going to look bad. "mmmm, I want some of what you're having. Any left?"

"tons, help yourse-" Callum got there before I had even finished, shovelling a truck load of food onto his plate, licking his lips as he did.

"Don't you ever worry about getting fat, or dying of a heart attack?" I pulled him away from the counter, only half joking, and lead him to a table where we both sat.

"Nope, food is too good to ruin by thinking of the negatives. I'm an optimist..." He grinned at me and I just shook my head with a smile. "soooo, what are we doing today? Any concerts in the area?" He forked a dripping strip of bacon into his mouth.

"Well, I'm barred from the room till three- don't ask"

"wasn't gonna..." he put his hands up defensively and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, could we just watch a movie? I'm pretty tired after last night..." Just as I finished, Blake sauntered over towards us, his bruise still visible around his jaw. He gave Callum a poisonous look before turning to me.

"Looks like you guys had fun last night...didn't even have time to get dressed? Where did the magic moment happen then? The bathroom? Oh no, that would be far too classy for scum like you...must've been the store cupboard" He laughed a little before he turned away.

"Blake, are you asking for another smack? Because we all know that you can't handle me and I could just as easily break your nose. Shut the fuck up before I make it a broken arm too..." Callum was fuming, I could see the anger in his eyes.

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