Chapter 2

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I got about 2 hours of sleep until my Dad came in to wake me up, I was having such a nice dream, not.

"Son, it is time to go. Get dressed and we will see you downstairs in around 10 minutes. Please don't delay" My dad patted me on the back and left the room, leaving the door wide open.

Why do parents keep their child's bedroom door wide open when they obviously know that they'd at least want some privacy and respect but anyways,I had just got up so I was very confused but I wasn't confused enough to reply back to my dad, I am still mad at him and mum so why would I even think about talking to them?

I got up and got dressed, wearing all black as always. I don't really wear bright colours but black is just a shade that goes with everything for some reason and that is why I like it. I did my usual hair routine which takes a long time, if I put complete effort into it but I did it messily this morning. I then brushed my teeth and put my Nike flynets on.

My bags were already put downstairs by my sister which  is quite kind but I don't really appreciate it that much.

I walk downstairs till i see my whole household standing near the door. Is it like a fucking family gathering at 5am or something because the last time I checked, there wasn't a leaving party scheduled. 

"My Martijn is leaving!" My mother said, a tear coming out her eye. Dad put his arm around her and  reassured her.

" Don't worry, Marty is going to be fine and remember, it will be the best for him and hopefully he will be the Martijn we used to know when he returns. Come on son, we better get going to the airport, you don't want to be late!"

My Dad took my DJ stuff and headed for the car, I said goodbye to Laura but I  ignored my Mum when she tried to hug me. It doesn't bother me the slightest that Mum is upset because that is what she deserves for sending me away, right?

I took my suitcase and rolled it out the door, slamming the door behind me as usual. Dad opened the boot and let me put my stuff inside. I got into the car and then he joined me, starting the car.

We were driving for a few minutes until my Dad broke the silence.

" So, are you excited to be moving to Mallorca?" My Dad tried to sound cheery but I didn't feel the exciting vibe.

"Nope." I said, stubbornly. 

" Ah I see"

I was putting in my headphones until my Dad said something again. Why do parents do that? *FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS*

" You know, when I was 17-18; I did all the things you were getting up to, drinking, smoking, getting with girls. Let me tell you, once you enter the big world, this will all soon stop. You will soon settle down and start maybe even a family of your own"

I interrupted Dad because he doesn't and has never believed that I could become a famous DJ.

" Dad, don't you fucking see? I am 18 which means

1) I am a legal adult

2) I can drink, smoke weed and have sex with girls when I want to.


3) DJ's will never settle down, yes they will have the odd girlfriends but you don't see DJ's get married and having kids. They don't have time for it. You don't see Tiesto married or having kids because he is a world known, famous DJ who is very busy and is barely home. Don't you see, that is what I want to do. I want to make money and make people happy when they listen to music but not make somebody happy because I married them or have  childrem with them"

I shoved the other earphone in my other ear. It was awkward until be reached the Schiphol terminal. Thank goodness for that.

I stayed in the car saying nothing and sitting completely still whilst dad got out the car and got my luggage. He opened the front door at which side I was sitting at.

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