Ch.1 Motorcycle

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I slip on my leather jacket over my black tank top, I also have black leather pants and black combat boots. I zip up my jacket since it's fall. I grab my helmet and walk down stairs. I'm greeted by my Pit Bull, Titan. He's a Tuff Mutt. I adopted him from Villalobos Rescue Center in New Orleans. "Hey dad" I say walking to the fridge, "hey, going for a ride" he said looking at some books. "Yeah" I said grabbing a apple, "be safe" he said, "dude, you've done worse things than me, you do stunts, I just ride" I say laughing a bit. "But still you never know who could be in the alleys" he said. "I know, alright bye, Chris is here" I said walking out, "bye" he said. I bring Titan out since he rides also. But he rides with Chris since my bike is more of a race bike than just a normal bike. I slip on Titan's helmet and goggles. "Ready" Chris said smiling, "born ready" I said and picked up Titan using my whole body since he's a big boy and set him on the back of Chris's bike. I buckled him in and then Chris said "let's go". I smiled and slipped on my helmet and jumped on my bike and kick started it and drove off. We rode till we go to our meeting destination.

We pulled up to the tunnel and saw my friends. But two were missing they must be late. "Where's Dylan and Gerard at" I said setting my helmet on my bike. "Dylan said that Gerard dyed his hair red and he was running a little bit late since he woke up late also"  Jensen said smiling. "Oh oaky" I said putting Titan on his leash. All the guys came to greet Titan. Everyone loves him.

After about five minutes Dylan and Gerard pulled up. "Hey sorry we're late" Gerard said, "it's fine and nice hair" I said, "thanks" he said smiling adorably.  We then hung out for a few more minutes just to stretch since we are gonna be out all night, just to show my friends who my dad is. The only people that knows my dad is the Ghost Rider is Chris and Misha.

"Alright let's ride" Misha yelled and we all cheered and Titan barked and howled. I put him on Chris's bike and put his helmet and goggles on and buckled him up. I slipped on my helmet and kick started and we drove off in a pack.

After hours of driving we decide to stop to get something to eat. We went into a old bar and got something small to eat. We sat at the large table eating and laughing about random stuff luckily this place let's up bring in Titan. I ordered some steak for him, and he loved it.

Then the room went silence. I turned and saw.........Blackheart. I thought my dad killed him. Blackheart is a demon who wants to overthrow Mephistopheles and create a worse hell than the one that currently exists. He looked around the room with that evil look of his. Then his eyes landed on me. "You" he said with venom, I stood and balled my hands up in a fist. "What do you want Blackheart" I growled, "I want you and your dad dead" he said smiling evilly. Then he walked out and I ran after him but he was gone. Hmm. I sat back down. "What was that all about" Jai asked confused, "I'll tell y'all later tonight" I said and we finished eating. We all argued to pay for the meal. "I will pay and don't say a word" Misha said and laid down money. "Fine"we all groaned. He smiled and the waitress took it and we then finished our drinks and left.

It was almost 10:00pm. "Alright guys this happens every night, only Misha and Chris knows about this but you guys don't. You might think I'm crazy but it's true, an he should come anytime soon" I said. They looked at me weird then in the distance we heard the motorcycle. I smirked and then flames came around the corner. "Woah" Logan whispered, the he parked right I front of us. He got off his amazing bike. "Hey" he said in a robotic voice, "hey, guys this is my dad" I said. "Wait your dad is Ghost Rider, the one who sold his soul to the devil to save his dad but the devil still killed his dad" Jared said, "yes sir" my dad said to Jared, "wow" Jai breathed out. Then he changed back to his normal self. "Sweet" Jensen said smirking, "this is awesome" Dylan said. "So you kids driving safe" he said, "yes sir" they all said. "Good" he said smiling, "oh and dad, Blackheart" I said. "Yeah he's dead" he said, "umm no he came into the bar when we were eating and pointed at me and said 'I want you and your father dead' " I said. "Anything else" he said, "no then he left after he said that" I said. "Ugh" my dad groaned and hopped on his bike, "well I'll see y'all later gotta find a demon" he said and he kick started his bike then his head turned into a skull and flames then drive off leaving flames trail behind. "Dang your dad has a nice bike" Dylan said. "Yup" I said, "now let's ride home, y'all wanna stay at my place" I said. They looked at each other and nodded, "let's go" Jensen said. Then we rode off to my place.

We got there and it was almost midnight. We parked our bikes in the garage and went in the house. "So when does your dad get done" Jared ask, "once the sun rises" I said. "Oh" he said and we all sat in the living room. "So wanna watch something scary" I asked, "Yasssss" Gerard said smiling, they all answered yes so I then put in a movie. "Let's watch Friday The 13th" I said smirking. "Oh yeah" Jai said smiling. "Okay who wants to sit by me" I said, "meeee" they all squealed. "Ugh, okay the two people that pick a number 1-100 and get close to the number I choose sits by me" I said, "okay, umm 34" Gerard said, "20" Misha said, "45" Jai said, "10" Logan said, "18" Chris said, "100" Dylan said, "67" Jensen said, "55" Jared said. "Okay the number was 22, so Gerard and Misha gets it" I said. "But can you at least sit on my lap" Chris said with a puppy face, "why would you do the puppy face you know I can't say no to that" I said and sat I his lap. Then Misha and Gerard sat next to me. Then the other guys crowded around. Jensen sat by my feet he had one leg on his one shoulder and the other leg on his other shoulder. Then Jared and Dylan sat next to Jensen. Then Logan sat by Gerard and Jai sat by Misha. And Titan sat on my lap. What was funny was when a really scary part of the movie came on big bad Chris screamed like a little girl, well actually they all did and I just laughed at them. They may look bad but they are all softies. We then all fell asleep together.   

Hey y'all, so who do you think she might end up with. Does it sound like Chris has a small crush on her. And how did Blackheart come back. Thanks for reading I'll update if I get a few votes or comments.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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