Chapter 1

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The fallen leaves crunch underneath my feet as I walk to the river. I love the river because it's the perfect spot to just sit and think in peace. I live on four acres of land and luckily, the river is just within my backyard. Yeah it's maybe about a ten minute walk, but I don't mind.

I usually take these walks when my parents are arguing. They argue all the time about the same things, and it seems like it has become a normal routine for them. My mom is never home due to business trips and when she is home, she's yelling at my dad about his alcohol addiction. My dad would have never started drinking if she never started cheating. It pains me to see dad hurt by mom's decisions, but yet he never did anything about it. Dad was always there for me when mom wasn't. But ever since he started drinking, he stopped caring about everyone around him, including me. At first it bothered me, but not anymore. I guess I just got used to it.

The sound of flowing water in the distance fills my ears. As I get closer, I can smell the familiar calming scent of the river. When I reach it, I smile and inhale a deep refreshing breath.

Splish. Splash.

I jump and hide behind the nearest tree. The sounds come again- Splish. Splash. Splish. Splash.

Carefully, I peek my head around the tree.  A guy from across the river leans against a boulder, skipping rocks. He leans down to grab another rock and a strand of his dark hair falls in his face. I study him. His muscles bulge out his sleeveless shirt. I watch as his muscles contract and relax when he skips the rock.  His tan skin looks like it's glowing in the evening sunset. He looks in my direction and whip my head back behind the tree. I suck in a sharp breath and hold it, not daring to make any noise. I hope he didn't see me.

After a few seconds pass, I slowly and carefully creep my head around the tree. My eyes widen in surprise when his piercing blue eyes lock on mine.

I let out a squeal as I dive for the bushes. I land on all fours and I stay as still as possible. Oh gawd, please just ignore me, this is so embarrassing.

"Is someone there?" His deep voice booms from across the river.

I squeeze my eyes shut. Please ignore me.

"I know you're there."

I let out a sigh when I  realize he wont give up. I slowly creep up and peek my head above the bushes. He laughs.

"You can come out. I don't bite," he says then smirks. "Much," he adds.

I laugh a little as I get out of the bushes. I dust off the leaves that stuck to my shirt and look over at the guy.

"Hi," I squeak, still embarrassed.


"Sorry about all that, I'm not used to seeing people by this river."

"It's okay," he says, then pauses. "Um, you have some leaves in your hair." He points to his head to show me.

"Oh!" I quickly brush my hand through my hair to get rid of any leaves. It's only been five minutes since I've seen this guy and I've made myself look like the biggest fool on the face of the earth! I wish the ground would open up beneath my feet and swallow me whole right now.

"What's your name?"

"Karissa. You?"


I nod my head and we stare at each in silence. His blue eyes memorize me. I've never seen such blue eyes in my life. His name makes him even hotter- Trevor. But I notice an open cut on his lip and a bruise on the corner of his right eye. Did he get into a fight? I see his mouth move and mumble something, but I didn't hear it.

I shake my head to clear it. "Sorry, what did you say?"

He opens his mouth but gets cut off by someone calling his name from behind him. I watch his body tense.

"I gotta go now," he says and turns to leave. But before he reaches out of sight, he turns back to me. "Same time tomorrow?"

A wide smile spreads across my face. I nod.

He grins, clearly satisfied, and leaves.

A few minutes pass without him here and I still have a huge smile plastered on my face. I can't help it. I find myself wanting to know more about him.


I throw my long brown hair into a ponytail as I get ready to go to the river. After Trevor left, I took out my phone to look at the time. It was 3:00. He asked me if I would meet him the same time tomorrow and I said yes.

Today is when I'll see him again. Today I will be able to get to know him. Looking at the clock and seeing that it is 2:50, I walk out the door and head to the river.

The cool breeze that sweeps across my skin means that summer is ending and autumn is coming. School starts in four days and like every other teenager, I am not looking forward to going back. It's my senior year and I can not wait to get out of there.

Once I reach the river, I look for Trevor but he isn't here. I pull out my phone and look at the time. It's 2:58. Okay, I'm a few minutes early, maybe he is just running late. I sit down on a log as I wait.

But he never showed up.


Hi loves!! Sorry that this chapter was so short. It'll get better, I promise! :P


FM <3

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