Tick Tock

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Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock... I sat with my hands clutching my ears, slowly rocking back and forth in attempts to drown out the irritating circumstances. That's the only noise I've heard other than the unsteady sound of my own breathing. I would throw that godforsaken clock out the window if I had one. Oh, how I miss the golden rays of the sun against my ashen skin. It's been months. Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock... I'm being driven insane! My colorless eyes searched around the cold, grey room in hopes of something new. I noticed a small spider in the upper corner. I might have to make friends with him, maybe even converse a small bit. Find out where he came from, perhaps. I heard the light patter of footsteps behind the thick and rusty sealed door. The lights flickered as I called for help. I just wanted help, I wanted to get out. My wails for help seem to be perceived as aggression towards the peculiar lifeforms that slip me my small food parcel. I pressed myself against the wall opposite to the entrance. It seemed to make the odd creature more comfortable if I kept my distance. He quickly tossed the small package in and slammed the door shut. I waited for the loud series of clicks as he locked the door. Huh. That's peculiar. He seemed to be a bit forgetful today, I didn't hear the familiar sounds. I leaned over to another unrecognizable meal. I sat down in my normal position, my swollen joints popping with nearly every move I made. I've barely had any room to move, I just want out. I don't want to hurt anyone, I just want out. Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock... I sat patiently waiting for water. I appreciated that they provided me with sustenance. Their stash must be scarce. I don't get much. Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock... The locks! They may be setting me free! I happily pranced to the door and down the clean hallway. Oh? It seems that a few more of the creatures are joining me in my endeavours! "The monster is out! Code Red! Code Red!" One of them yelled. There was a chorus of screams along with locked doors. How nice of them to be cheering me on! If only I spoke in their tongue, I could thank them for all that they've done for me. I opened the door gently. Mother nature was waiting for me with open arms. I climbed over the twisted and prickly fence and off into the thick trees and foliage. I enjoyed their hospitality, but it was time for me to head back to my cavern. My family is there. Besides, I can get away from the annoying rhythm I have stuck in my head. Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock... I screeched my final farewell as I frolicked through the tree line and back to my home.

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