Chapter One

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I rested my head on my pillow and waited for sleep to overcome me. You know those moments when you’re so tired that you can’t fall asleep? That’s what a long day does to me almost every night. I have twelve hour shifts at Angel Pediatrics; seven to seven. But my job doesn’t end there, I have to come home and switch into mom/wife mode. I have to clean up the mess Avory left behind, get Serena into a good mood before I can try to put her to sleep. Then there’s Ethan. Oh god Ethan! He is the top most complainer in the whole entire world! It takes me all of my power to not choke either him or myself.

Sighing in contempt, my eyes began to close. Nothing but everything good came to mind in this moment. Because I’ll do anything to go to sleep and get rid of the exhaust that plagued my body. Sophia, I told myself, you don’t have to work tomorrow. Avory will be going to his friend’s house and it will be just you, Ethan, and Serena.

Look, I can handle those two to some extent. It’s Avory that decided he wanted to let out all of his energy. Just chasing him to get him to put on his pajamas kills me. Serena liked to cry every now and then which gave me time to recover from the last scream. And she was easy to please. Ethan... Well he’s Ethan. All I had to do was say I’d never touch him again and he’d shut up.

But, of course, Ethan had his annoying moments. Now being one of them. “Hey,” he whispered to me as he jumped on the bed. He acted like it wasn’t going on eleven-thirty. “I want to ask you something.”

“Can it wait,” I asked, not turning over to face him. I just wanted to sleep.

He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me so that I was lying on my back. I let out a frustrated sigh and opened my eyes that were probably red and attacked by dark circles. “It could but I want to know now,” he placed himself under the covers of our bed and threw his arm over my stomach. I looked straight ahead, at the ceiling, while he was lying on his side, staring at me. He had this very annoying, goofy grin on his face, as if that would get me out of my bad mood. “I wanted to know−”

“No,” I simply replied and tried to turn over but he tightened his arm, holding me in place.

“You didn’t let me finish,” he whined. “I wanted to know if a few guys from the team can come over tomorrow.”

“What did I say, Ethan?” I was giving him the voice that I usually used on Avory when he was being stubborn or ignorant. Ethan was just being downright irritating. “No.” I jerked out of his grasp and turned onto my side, facing my back to him. He gave out a sigh before I felt him move closer towards me and place his right cheek on my left. He always liked to get touchy when I’m mad… why? “Ethan,” I warned, telling him I wasn’t in the mood.

He stroked my thigh under the blankest while saying, “Long day, you just want some sleep, I know.” I felt his smile against my cheek. “But you have to give me a kiss first. Remember our rule? Neither of us can go to sleep if one is mad at the other. That’s how you ruin a marriage.” Oh yeah, I remember that stupid rule. I made it after we watched a stupid movie of a woman getting divorced with her husband after fighting almost every night. What were you thinking, I asked myself.

“I’m not mad,” I argued. “I’m tired. There’s a difference.”

“Not a very big one,” he mumbled before adding, “Then you can kiss me without a problem, right?” I groaned, turning over and catching his lips with mine. It was quick, not even two seconds, because the more we talked, the more my eyes began to fall. He obviously wanted more than just a peck seeing as he groaned when I assumed the same position I had been in. “Who taught you how to kiss?! That was lame! When I say kiss, I mean a proper one and I’m not going to let you go to sleep if you don’t give me a proper kiss.”

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