4. Sentencing

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"She's been like this since she was brought in."

"Since we found her at the house."

"Look, look...turns her head to the right, mumbles something, and...that's it. What is that? This happens literally every few hours. The exact same thing."

"She's a psycho that's what it is..."

"I assure you, this is typical behavior for patients dealing with traumas such as Lauren's," I recognize Dr. Collins' voice but I stay completely still. Nothing anyone else says even registers completely.

I hear bits and pieces. Short, cut up phrases thrown haphazardly together in a pile of redundancy. Dr. Collins' words are the only ones that strike me as substantial. I stare blankly at the wall.

It's been four days since Camila's death.

They keep me here to pass the time, waiting. Waiting for reports. Waiting for trial. Waiting for me to speak, to react any way at all. They've reached dead ends everywhere.

"Has she been eating?"

"Not a thing. That food that's in there's been sittin'. We were gonna give her another day before takin' her to the infirmary and tubin' her. Already got the word from the warden. No way in hell is he gonna let her off herself by starvin'."

"Do you think that's what she's trying to do?"

"She'd rot in here after a trial anyway."

"I should have been called sooner. Did she even have a lawyer in the last four days since she's been here?"

"Not like she's gonna ask for one..."

"Gentlemen, be a little professional here."

"I'm not babysittin' a twenty something year old psycho killer just 'cause she ain't doin' jack shit in there. The way I see it, the less she does the less chance I have of getting' my own neck snapped. You want my opinion? Let her starve."

"Has she been allowed visitors at all?"

"Who the hell would wanna see her?"

"Her family for starters," Dr. Collins mentions, noticeably irritated. The other officer, less hostile I've noticed, interjects before his brash partner could do so.

"We can't allow any of that until interviews and evaluations, which we can't do without her talking. We've been trying to get even a statement but nothing she does or says even makes sense. Everything is-"

"Mundane, non-goal oriented, repetitive," Dr. Collins says as more of a statement looking for assurance rather than a question.

"Yeah, sure, whatever."

"Is she resisting at all?"

"Resistin'? Hell that's all she's doin'! Probably thinkin' of ways to slit our throats and get outta here..."

"Last I was informed there was no murder weapon involved in the incident."

"You gotta stay on top of these things, Doc. I been a guard here for years. The quiet ones are the dangerous ones. Turn your back, they'll strike and you'll never see it comin', I'm tellin' ya."

"But there's been no resistance?"

"She doesn't cooperate! Jackson here tried talkin' to her and all she did was repeat the questions like a fuckin' moron."

"Officer, surely you are aware of the difference between resistance and echolalia."


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