1. The Meeting

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I looked at myself in  the mirror straightening out an wrinkles in my pencil skirt. I had to look my absolute very best, this was going to be the record breaking season of 'The Suitor' and I knew that.  I usually got what I wanted being my boss it came very naturally. What didn't come naturally was going to break the stereotypical stereotype of entertainment being a male only industry. 

I slid on my nude Louis Vuitton heels. Placing a piece of hair behind my ear, you could see my ear rings that gave off the very minimalism shine. I herd my assistant buzz my office intercom saying "Ms. Granger your clients are here for the meeting ." I walked over to my office door leaving and walking towards the conference room . I walked in and saw Ginny sitting at the table and lavender , They joined me on my journey after we graduated from Hogwarts. 

My client had not walked in yet thankfully . I started towards my seat at the head of the table when a door opened and that intoxicating scent filled the room . I looked up from my chair that I was about to sit in to  meet eyes with the coldest blue eyes in the wizarding world . The scent of fresh parchment following him as he sat across from where I was in the process of sitting. Our eyes never leaving each others. What broke our trances Ginny coughing . I sat down quickly tucking my pencil skirt under my legs. Looking down at the file in front of me. 

Closing my eyes I looked up like nothing had happen. 'Just breath mionie , say what you need to and move on..' Looking up I licked my lips and spoke out loud this time. 

"Good evening Malfoy , Nice of you to join Ginny, Lavender, and I today in this meeting. " I spoke very calm never making him question my motives.

"Same to you Ms. Granger" He smirked after he spoke almost hoping to get a result from me.

"Mr. Malfoy you're the number one bachelor for 2016 in the wizarding world , That's why we have brought you and your manager here today ." Ginny spoke taking over seeing how we was becoming wrapped in our own trance again. I looked at his file trying to breath.

"The only way I will be apart of this show .. 'The suitor' is if Granger is my producer ." I whipped my head up staring at him seeing his eye never left mine not once. 

"Well are you su-" Ginny spoke before he cut her off 

"I am very sure. Is that the deal Ms.Granger?" His eyebrow raising up in the slightest amusement.

"Deal. Anything for my show. If you don't mind but my co-producers are going to help finish paper work." I grabbed my file reaching for the closest exit. I walked out quickly and apparted to my office. 

Sliding down my door breathing hard. God it had been three years and he still had the same affect on me. Still taking my breath away by just being in my presence. God why couldn't he just be married and with a child by now. I walked over to the closet in my office opening it to see my personal pensieve which professor Mcgonagall gave to me as my graduation gift . I placed my wand to my temple ready to extracted the memory that just happened between Draco and I . When a hand stopped me. 

"Don't .. do .. it .. please" The owner of the hand whispered into my ear as they slowly brought my hand down to my side, Finally reaching their fingers into the creases of mine making me drop my wand down to the floor . Slowly turning my head around my eyes met their lips. That same of fresh parchment filling the room . 

"Draco.." Was the only words that could come out of my mouth. Then all at once I was shoved into the nearest wall. Our breath hitched and becoming laced with each other's scents . All I wanted in that moment was the only guy who could make me this crazy. 

I wanted Draco. Draco Malfoy. The boy who was to marry a pure blood. The one who could make me stop breathing by just saying 'hello' . The one who I stood up at the alter.....

"I...Still...Love...You" Draco spoke between kissing my neck. Then it was all over. I sat up in bed breathing hard. 'It was a dream.."

Ever since the meeting two weeks ago I keep having the same dream of that day. I laid down and looked over at the moon. Today was the first day of season 3. The day we began filming my ex-fiance 'find his true-love'. God help me survive this please. Reaching over to my night stand I grabbed my phone going to my old photos . I fell upon an old photo and stared at it until my eyes couldn't keep me awake any more. 


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