9. What did we do ?!

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R E C A P - R E C A P ---- >

Hermione p.o.v.

Waking up the light blinded me , I belted out a groan and turned into my pillow or so I thought. I jolted up when I found it was a person . I rolled out over falling on the ground I groaned and rubbed my bum as it ached with the sudden pain.

The person soon rolled over due to the sound of me falling and the loud groan I had belted out following the fall. The platinum hair caught my attention first .


What had I done last night ? This was for sure to be game changer with or without our liking


 Hermione p.o.v.

Covering my mouth to silence myself , Maybe they would not sit up or get up . Unfortunately that Idea did not go as I had planned . Slowly the realization of this situation hit me more and more as the owner of the platinum hair creeped more and more into a sitting position . 

"Merlin this bloody light is blinding" His voice was beyond intoxicating in the morning . 

He got out of bed , and stumbled over to the window where he yanked the curtains together making it dark in the room . " Thank you " , I mentally said to him knowing he would never hear the two words that calmed the storm brewing within me named ' A hangover ' . As I stayed still on the floor . My hand was still covering my mouth in hopes he would just go back to bed and I could apparate out of here.  My eyes watched his every move .

"Mione come back to bed it's too early for you to be stumbling onto the floor" His voice vibrated through his vocal cords and vibrated back into my ears. It was almost as alluring as much as amortentia . 

Then he shot up realizing what he had just said . I hurried to crawl away but soon was stopped when he spoke. 

"Mione what did we do?"
"Kinda had hopes you knew more than me"
"Did we ?"
"I mean you're nude and all I had left on was your long sleeve shirt" 

I walked over to my bed sitting in my spot next to where Drake resigned trying to figure out anything that had led up to this current moment .  

"You know maybe we didn't , maybe something else happened" I said optimistically 
"What could of possibly happened other than this ?" Draco spitted out rolling his eyes in annoyance
"Maybe I threw up on my clothes and you just might have been careless enough not to think of yourself for once." 

My word had came out like venomous poison that had one job and that was to hurt him. Draco looked up from his hands and stared at me , I squinted my eyes . How can he act like he did nothing wrong when just yesterday he had cheated on me with that .. that.. BIMBO

"Why are you acting so hateful today ?" He spoke as he got up looking for his pants. 
"Are you really going to act like your so innocent ?" When my words finished escaping my lips he froze completely , Turning on his heels to look at me . "Just know we have camera's everywhere for a reason . Do you really think you was the first one to make the mistake of sleeping with a contestant . " I crossed my arms and cocked my eyebrow making sure that he could hear me and read me clearly that I was not playing games. 

He looked down rubbing his hands across his cheeks trying to decide what needed to be said next. I need nothing more at this very moment . I crossed my arms over my waist to grasp the hem lining of his shirt yanking it off my body and chucking it to him before walking towards the bathroom . I needed to wash any remnant of him or last night off of me . Feeling tears rimming my water line I had to keep it together .As I got to the door without looking back I spoke clearly , 

"Take the next two days off to be with your family , if you decide to come back lets .. keep things professional nothing more nothing less. I wont be your manager anymore . Gin will take over my position . Is that clear Mr. Malfoy?" 
"What ? No-"
"I said . Is that clear Mr. Malfoy?!

With out any comments he left , I could finally breath again . Once I had herd the crack of him apperating out of here I let myself go . I hit the button on the wall to begin the waterfall shower and began to cry out under the warm water and steam . It was consuming me , devouring my emotions. 


*Three days later*

There has been no production for the last two days . The main person who the show depended upon was not here . How we're we to continue production without a 'suitor' for 'The suitor' . I had not left my room in three days. I've focused on emails, and setting up a replacement suitor if Draco does not come back .  

Standing up from my desk I decided to go get something to drink from the main house with something to eat . Hopefully the girls would not bombard me with questions as to where their suitor was. 

Truthfully I had no clue. 

I grabbed my cream cardigan , putting it on as I left my sanctuary.  It wasn't too hot but it wasn't too cloudy and cold it felt just right in the middle. As I walked back to the house . It was eerily quiet . It was almost vacantly quiet. But the closer I got to the doors the louder the sound of bumping became. 

Thanks Lav and Gin for making sure everyone stayed low key . 

I grabbed the door and was hit with the vibrations of the music . There was woman dancing and drinking to the loud the music. The camera crew was circling them and filming them . Merlin knows what Gin and Lav had up their sleeves to do with the footage . Ignoring them and minding my business I walked over to the fridge grabbing a water and some food . 

Getting lost in my own thoughts I didn't know where my body was taking me . 


Draco's p.o.v. 

Arriving back at the house was a hard decision to make . I ignored the commotion going on in the living room . I had no clue what was going on or why . I just knew I needed to get through the next couple of weeks . 

This wasn't for me , We both knew that. 

Walking up the stairs and towards the door to my room I stopped half way and looked out the window towards her home. I didn't see her even though there was a small part of me hoped to see her. 

Continuing into the room I was hit with the one scent other than mine that I knew better than I knew my own smell sometimes . She was absently mindingly' holding herself looking out the window to the lake behind her home. 

"Thought Gin was my manager now"  

Just hearing the words come out my mouth made her peer over her shoulder , I could only gain a low chuckle . 

"Yeah she sure is" 

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