10. Practice

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I sat in last period English and tapped my pencil on my desk impatiently, everyone's eyes haven't left me all day since I've changed my appearance.

No one would recognize me until I would say here when my name was being called out from the teachers.

I've just realized I told that Ellie girl to meet me after practice. What a pain.

The bell rang and I began gathering my things, and then suddenly I felt a tap on my arm and I looked back to see a short brunette girl looking at me shyly.

"H-hi Jason, I heard you made the football team." She starts off and I already wanna just leave her there. I don't wanna talk to anyone else, it's already bad enough Daphne won't leave me alone, and is in my new group at the rink.

Oh shit, I almost forgot about her being the Red. I shrugged it off and realized I haven't answered her back yet.

"I have to go." Was my simply extraordinary response, and I slung my bag over my shoulder and began walking out but was stopped again by the brunette.

"Would you like to go on a date sometime?" She asked me while still holding onto the back of my shirt. I gave her the deadliest glare, but it didn't seem to faze her.

"No." I say and try to pull away but she wouldn't let go, man I wish she wasn't a girl.

"Is it because you're girlfriend is Daphne?" She said a little braver, and I slowly turned and got close to her face, I have never heard anything more disgusting in my life, I have told myself to never get involved with friends or matter a fact a girlfriend.

But look where that luck got me, I'm stuck friends with a bunch of thugs like me.

"No way, in fucking hell, I would date her or you." I spit out and release her hand from me and walk out the room.

"Then it's a date tomorrow!" She yells out after me and I thank God no one was in the hall way when she yelled that.

I looked back at her and seen she had my phone in her hand and she was typing something in both of our phones.

I quickly made my way over there and snatched my phone from her hand and glared at her, she took my number and gave me hers, can today get any worse?

"I'm not going on a date with you." I say getting very annoyed at her, and she just smiles up at me.

I clench my fist then release, I can't hit a girl, I can't hit a girl. I repeat to myself and I turn around and make sure nothing else stops me.

I jog out the school, and over to the field were the people who made the team lined up. The guys looked at me funny and I shrugged my shoulders.

"And who are you?" Coach says eyeing me with annoyance. Can he not recognize me?

"Jason Dean. Sir." I say standing beside Liam. Liam pats my back and smiles.

"Who would've known, did you change your hair, wait no your clothes? Contacts?" Liam bombards and im still kinda of angry from earlier, so before i could give a snarky remark coach blows his whistle.

"Enough with the flirting, go get changed and meet me back out here at the track. Your uniforms came in this morning and your names should be on your Jersey." Coach announced and blew his whistle again, we all jogged over to the changing room to see a pile of football uniforms inside of a bucket, with helments and mouth pieces beside it.

"Gardener." Some guy announced and Kevin made his way over and grabbed his things.

"Malik." Liam moved to the front and collected his stuff and followed Kevin to the other side of the room.

"Dean." I slightly pushed the guys out my way and everyone still looked at me weird, I grabbed my uniform from his hands and followed over to where they went.

I seen them changing so I slipped off my shirt and grabbed the t-shirt.

"Aren't you supposed to be some nerd, I thought you were all scrawny under those baggy clothes." Liam said laughing and Kevin just ignored me. He was fine with me this morning. He probably finally realized I can kick his ass if he pisses me off.

"Oh." I say not wanting to make conversation and I slip my shirt on and then grab the shoulder pads and clipped them on.

After awhile I was finished and the last few of the guys piled in and began to strip. The last thing I need on was my jersey.

I picked it up and put my arms through before putting it over my head and let it fall over my equipment. These uniforms are uncomfortable.

"Everyone huddle up for a sec." Some guy, I know as Hayden yells out, and I raise a brow questioning him. We hustled over to him and formed a lop-sided circle.

"Okay guys, you made it to the football team, and this is our first practice. Coach has been having some problems and issues so we need to give him our all, through out the practices and plays, our first game will be next friday, so work your asses off, and let's play hard." He said his speech and everyone hollared before running out the changing room.

As we were running someone bumped Into my shoulder making it jerk forward, and they laughed at me. It was Kevin.

I grabbed the back of his neck and and pulled back making his body slam to the ground. I ran a hand through my hair and jogged over to coach with a smirk on my face.

"Hurry up, Gardener and quit laying around." Coach yelled then blew his whistle. I glanced back to see him glaring at me, I shrug my shoulders and get in a crouching position.

-end of chapter-

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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