Kylies P.O.V

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My phone buzzed as I was shoving my sisters shoes under my bed. Abby absolutely hates It when I take her things without asking. She may be my older sister but that doesn't mean shes in charge of me. I hopped on my bed and rolled onto my stomach. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it.

The caller ID name was BFF with a ring tone where the singer kept repeating over and over about how he was a gummy bear. I answered it franticly.

"Hey, Z." I said.

"What's up girl?" Zoey said with excitement in her voice.

"The sky." I replied with my smart mouth.

"Very funny, Kylie." Zoey said being a little annoyed. "Are you ready for our girls weekend?!?"

I knew she was doing her jazz hands. She always does that when she gets excited.

"Yep! I already have everything we need. The pillows, blankets, snacks, nail polish, toilet paper..."

"Toilet paper? How much food are you planning on eating?" Zoey asked.

"We need toilet paper to TP innocent peoples houses." I explained to her.

"Oh, nice!"

I opened my mouth to say something, but before I could make out a sound, Abby yelled my name. I ignored her.


Then I heard angry footsteps coming towards my room.

"Ugh. I got to go, Zoey. Bye."


Just when I hung up I saw Abby standing in my doorway with her hands on her hips.

"Where are my shoes?" Abby asked me angrily.

I rolled my eyes.

"I don't have your shoes." I lied.

"Hmm, really? Because I was sure I saw you wearing them last night trying to impress... what's his name again?" Abby said with an evil smirk on her face.

She knew exactly what his name was. She just said that to make me mad. I got up because my back started to hurt, but I didn't let it show. I opened my mouth for a good comeback but nothing seemed to come out.

"Look, I need them for my party tonight. So can I have my shoes?" Abby said with one hand still on her hip and the other out towards me, waiting for me to surrender.

For as long as I can remember, Abby had the perfect life. She has the perfect friends, she throws the perfect parties, she has the perfect shoes. She's even prettier than me.

I still remember that one time when we were yonger, Abby and I were at the park on the swings. She was going a little too high and ended up flying off. The moment she was in the air I caught a sight of her face. She didn't look worried at all. Then she hit the ground. Hard. I just stood in amazement for a while. But then I snapped back in reality and went to go see if she was okay.

Mom had already beat me to it, and by the time I got there, she was picked up, cradled in moms arms. Abby had scratches on her arms and legs, and woodchips in her long dark hair, and she sill managed to look good!

I finally snapped back in reality.

"Well tuff nuggets! I don't have your shoes!" I said.

Really, Kylie, tuff nuggets?

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